当调用D3D11CreateDeviceAndSwapChain函数时遇到错误代码0x887a0004,这通常表示设备创建失败,具体原因可能涉及多个方面。根据提供的信息和您的提示,我将从以下几个方面进行解答: 1. 确认错误代码0x887a0004对应的具体问题 错误代码0x887a0004通常表示硬件不支持所请求的Direct3D特性级别。这可能是因为您的显卡不支持Direct...
Hi guys, I have encountered this issue. The video is not working nor is media capture and everything. The whole screen is just white color. I do not know...
Using theDXGI_SWAP_CHAIN_DESCstructure from step one, callD3D11CreateDeviceAndSwapChainto initialize the device and swap chain at the same time. คัดลอก D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL FeatureLevelsRequested = D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_11_0; UINT numLevelsRequested = 1; D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL FeatureLeve...
可选。 设备创建标志 (看到启用API 层D3D10_CREATE_DEVICE_FLAG) 。 这些标志可以按位 OR 组合在一起。 [in] SDKVersion 类型:UINT 指示SDK 版本的位标志。 应D3D10_SDK_VERSION,在 d3d10.h 中定义。 [in] pSwapChainDesc 类型:DXGI_SWAP_CHAIN_DESC* ...
// Describe and create the command queue.D3D12_COMMAND_QUEUE_DESC queueDesc = {}; queueDesc.Flags = D3D12_COMMAND_QUEUE_FLAG_NONE; queueDesc.Type = D3D12_COMMAND_LIST_TYPE_DIRECT; ThrowIfFailed(m_d3d12Device->CreateCommandQueue(&queueDesc, IID_PPV_ARGS(&m_commandQueue)));// Describe ...
I'm getting this error logged Diligent Engine: ERROR in Diligent::EngineFactoryD3D11Impl::CreateSwapChainD3D11() (RenderDeviceFactoryD3D11.cpp, 355): Failed to create the swap chain then a null exception Exception thrown: read access vio...
Error code: VK_ERROR_DEVICE_LOST at: (drivers/vulkan/vulkan_context.cpp:2351) ERROR: Vulkan: Did not create swapchain successfully. Error code: VK_ERROR_VALIDATION_FAILED_EXT at: (drivers/vulkan/vulkan_context.cpp:2274) ERROR: Vulkan: Cannot submit graphics queue. Error code: VK_ERROR_...
}if(FAILED(hr))returnhr;// Create swap chainIDXGIFactory2* dxgiFactory2 =nullptr; hr = dxgiFactory->QueryInterface( __uuidof(IDXGIFactory2),reinterpret_cast<void**>(&dxgiFactory2) );if( dxgiFactory2 ) {// DirectX 11.1 or laterhr = g_pd3dDevice->QueryInterface( __uuidof(ID3D11Device...
HRESULTCreateSwapChain( [in] IUnknown *pDevice, [in] DXGI_SWAP_CHAIN_DESC *pDesc, [out] IDXGISwapChain **ppSwapChain ); 參數 [in] pDevice 類型:IUnknown* 針對Direct3D 11 和舊版 Direct3D,這是交換鏈結 Direct3D 裝置的指標。 針對 Direct3D 12,這是直接命令佇列的指標, (參考ID3D12CommandQueu...