Notice too that I changed the formula that is in column L of your "Base" tab. It now uses the IFS function, instead of nesting multiple levels of IF. More efficient. Here's what it looks like. I've added the letters X, V and W (to take account of those last three status words....
Welcome to the Microsoft Forms group! Microsoft Forms is a new Office 365 application which gives you ability to get feedback with easy-to-create surveys, registrations, quizzes and more. Forum Discussion
(the file that stores the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System key and its descendants) of 200MB, because of restrictions placed on the operating system boot loader by the environment in which it runs (the boot loader reads the System hive into memory very early in the boot process), but the limit ...
TheTrellis Chartformat available with Charting Companion is the perfect way to get everyone onto one chart. This family tree template is a new way to tell the story of your family with ancestors and descendants listed by row within their generation. Members of the same family are all grouped ...
In Krakow they called for a Great Poland; in Budapest for an unmolested Hungary; in Prague for a united Czech state and in Innsbruck the descendants of Andreas Hofer (a Tyrolean who led an anti-French uprising in 1809) were fighting as they did in his day for their sacred land. In ...
At the exit, there is a large window that looks out onto a lush green garden. What you don’t know is that the green garden was once a Palestinian village massacred by radical Zionists in 1948. Tucholsky’s words and the garden built on the rubble of a village covering the bones of...
Human beings aresocial creatures, our genetics and process of evolution has designed us in a way that makes it virtually impossible to be happy unless we relate to other human beings (think about isolated individuals; they are less likely to have genetic descendants, and so these genes are not...
(the file that stores the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System key and its descendants) of 200MB, because of restrictions placed on the operating system boot loader by the environment in which it runs (the boot loader reads the System hive into memory very early in the boot process), but the limit ...
Basically I need to fill in the first...","descendants":{"__typename":"MessageConnection","edges":[{"__typename":"MessageEdge","cursor":"MjQuMTF8Mi4xfG98MTB8MTA3OjAsMTMyOjF8MQ","node":{"__ref":"ForumReplyMessage:message:571128"}},{"__typename":"MessageEdge","...