CURRENT_TIMESTAMP Current date and time. CURRENT_USER Name of user performing an insert. SESSION_USER Name of user performing an insert. SYSTEM_USER Name of user performing an insert. USER Name of user performing an insert. constant_expression in a DEFAULT definition cannot refer to another col...
可恢复联机索引创建操作暂停后,不能更改 MAXDOP 的初始值 创建一个索引,其中包含: 已计算或 TIMESTAMP 列作为键列 LOB 列作为包含列的可恢复索引创建 筛选索引可恢复索引操作适用对象:SQL Server(从 SQL Server 2019 (15.x) 开始)和 Azure SQL 数据库...
CREATE TABLE dbo.SimpleTable ( ProductKey [INT] NOT NULL, OrderDateKey [INT] NOT NULL, DueDateKey [INT] NOT NULL, ShipDateKey [INT] NOT NULL); GO --Create two nonclustered indexes for use with this example CREATE INDEX nc1_simple ON dbo.SimpleTable (OrderDateKey); CREATE INDEX nc2...
rowversion(和 timestamp) sql_variant CLR 类型(hierarchyid 和空间类型) xml uniqueidentifier2 1适用于 SQL Server 2016 (13.x) 和早期版本,以及非聚集列存储索引。 2适用于 SQL Server 2012 (11.x)。 非聚集列存储索引: 不能超过 1,024 列。
publicstaticDateTime::createFromFormat(string$format,string$time,DateTimeZone$timezone= ?):DateTime 过程化风格 date_create_from_format(string$format,string$time,DateTimeZone$timezone= ?):DateTime 将time参数给定的日期时间字符串, 根据format参数给定的格式 解析为一个新的 DateTime 对象。
Issue description When a new entity owning a @CreateDateColumn field is created in a PostgreSQL database on the same machine, the stored timestamp may be more recent than the Typescript executed after the creation operation. E...
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX promo_ix ON orders (CASE WHEN promotion_id =2 THEN customer_id ELSE NULL END, CASE WHEN promotion_id = 2 THEN promotion_id ELSE NULL END); INSERT INTO orders (order_id, order_date, customer_id, order_total, promotion_id) VALUES (2459, systimestamp, 106, 251,...
Here is an interesting one. I found a way to take the %date% environment variable, and turn it into a valid string for a filename - without any extra programs
StartEffectDate long No The start time of automatic scheduling. Set the value to a UNIX timestamp representing the number of milliseconds that have elapsed since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 UTC. Configuring this parameter is equivalent to specifying a start time for the Validity Period parameter...
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX promo_ix ON orders (CASE WHEN promotion_id =2 THEN customer_id ELSE NULL END, CASE WHEN promotion_id = 2 THEN promotion_id ELSE NULL END); INSERT INTO orders (order_id, order_date, customer_id, order_total, promotion_id) VALUES (2459, systimestamp, 106, 251,...