如果你只是想登录到 PostgreSQL 服务,而不需要连接到特定的数据库,可以省略 -d databasename 参数,并使用 postgres 作为默认数据库。 2. 执行 SQL 语句创建数据库 一旦登录到 PostgreSQL,你可以执行 CREATE DATABASE 语句来创建新的数据库。例如,要创建一个名为 mydatabase 的新数据库,你可以使用以下 SQL 语句:...
1) Create a database with default parameters First, open the Command Prompt on Windows or Terminal on Unix-like systems and connect to the PostgreSQL server: psql -U postgres Second, execute the CREATE DATABASE statement to a new database with default parameters: CREATE DATABASE sales; Output...
postgres=# create database amit; CREATE DATABASE If CREATE DATABASE is returned, then it has successfully created the database for you. Once again let’s take a look at the command that was passed at the psql prompt:: CREATE DATABASE: This is the SQL syntax used to initiate...
From the above-given snippet, we can observe that by default, we have three databases“postgres”,“templete0”, and“template1”. Creating a New PostgreSQL Database You can type the below-given command in thepsqlto create a user-defined database named“example”: ...
语法命令 1. 基础语法 创建数据库 create database testdb; 删除数据库 postgres=# drop database testdb; DROP DATABASE postgres=# 创建表 创建表之前要连接指定的数据库 \c test; CREATE TABLE ta
STEP 2: Connect to default postgres database using psql. bash-4.1$ psql psql (12.1) Type "help" for help. postgres=# SELECT current_database(); current_database postgres (1 row) STEP 3: Createa database. Syntax to create PostgreSQL database in Ubuntu, Windows and Linux are same. So ...
create database testdb; 1. 删除数据库 postgres=# drop database testdb; DROP DATABASE postgres=# 1. 2. 3. 4. 创建表 创建表之前要连接指定的数据库 \c test; CREATE TABLE table_name( column1 datatype, column2 datatype, column3 datatype, ...
--create database ./createdb -E UTF-8 -U postgres Jedi_SafeNet --excute database script ./psql -d Jedi_SafeNet -f Jedi_SafeNet_DB.TXT -U postgres Informational \d [NAME] describe table, index, sequence, or view \d{t|i|s|v|S} [PATTERN] (add "+" for more detail) ...
\qQuit psql Basic SQL operations in PostgreSQL Database Creation & Deletion To create a new database createdbdbname Remove the database dropdbdbname CRUD–CreateReadUpdateDelete These are the four basic functions to be performed on relational databases. Almost Postgres CRUD SQL statements are similar...