Also, check out:Builders Crafts & Additions! Beekeeping! Community Discord for CC&A: About:Create Crafts & Additions extends Create and acts as a bridge between electricity and kinetic energy from Create by adding an Electric Motor which generates kinetic energy from...
(create crafts & additions附属包)实现烈焰蛋糕自由!刘顺平AKA超级烨烨子 立即播放 打开App,流畅又高清100+个相关视频 更多 6215 1 02:53 App 【机械动力】刷下届岩+余烬面粉机器分享 5.2万 9 00:37 App MC机械动力 烈焰蛋糕工厂 7897 1 00:42 App 机械动力烈焰蛋糕机 5839 0 00:55 App 【Create机械...
Create Crafts & Additions模组是机械动力模组(Create)的拓展模组,这款模组扩展了机械动力中的功能,并且充当了机械动力的电能和动能之间的桥梁,通过添加一个从 FE 产生动能的电动马达和一个效率为75%的交流发电机,如果玩家想要制作这些物品,那么首先你需要先制造一个轧机,这是一个用来制造棒和线的动力机器,模组中的...
Create Crafts & Additions: Computercraft Peripheral API 中文版本 If you are using English, please Links to other languages (if any) are in that file too. 本文件为纯手动翻译,如有不足或错误欢迎修改。 我已经尽量保证译名与模组翻译文件同步。 内容可能不是最新,请以英文版本为准。
百工制器/CRAFTS CREATE 18岁 · 中国 1人关注 官方旗舰店 品牌简介 查看全部 百工制器是重庆百工文化传媒有限公司旗下的品牌,成立于2006年,是一个兼具设计感和精良手工的家居用品品牌。风格简洁而具备文艺气质。它从来不是生活必需品,它从来不会去满足你对生活的基本需求。但是它更注重的一件产品带给你的生活...
Create Crafts & Additions 扩展了机械动力,并充当机械动力的电能和动能之间的桥梁,通过添加一个从 FE 产生动能的电动马达和一个效率为75%的交流发电机。 为了制作这些物品,你需要先制造一个轧机,这是一个用来制造棒和线的动力机器。 所有的合成表都可以通过 JEI 获得。 下载地址 提取码:rpou 支持的MC版本: ...
How Bec Arnold keeps herself busy by learning, making and playing with crafts 26 August 2022 Welcome to The Creative Files, where we speak to some of the biggest crafters, makers and designers, gaining insights into their creative processes, inspiration and their advice for newcomers. We had an...
This mod fully supports Tinker's Construct / Hephaestus Dependencies Requires bothCreateandCreate Crafts & Additionsfor all of the features to work. JEIis recommended for recipes but not required. Installation Add the .jar mod file into your mods folder. ...
How Bec Arnold keeps herself busy by learning, making and playing with crafts 26 August 2022 Welcome to The Creative Files, where we speak to some of the biggest crafters, makers and designers, gaining insights into their creative processes, inspiration and their advice for newcomers. We had an...
牌子中文名称“百工制器”,英文名“CRAFTS CREATE”,品牌创立于2006年,由重庆百工文化传媒有限公司运营,该品牌所属地为中国。百工制器(CRAFTS CREATE)共参与了2次所涉行业的排行榜,其中有1进入榜单前十名。 CRAFTS CREATE/百工制器品牌介绍 百工制器是重庆百工文化传媒有限公司旗下的品牌,成立于2006年,是一个兼具...