Cord blood banking by CReATe Cord Bank was founded in 2005 by Dr. Clifford Librach and has been successfully banking stem cells.
N.J. to Create Umbilical Cord Blood Bank
Umbilical cord: Would you like to delay cord clamping? Do you or your partner wish to cut the umbilical cord? Will you bank your baby's cord blood? Routine care: Would you like to hold your baby immediately, or wait until they've been weighed, bathed, and measured? Circumcision: If yo...
I used place cards (Avery paper templates) and placed two on each card, then cut. They’re pre-folded and easy to punch out. I add a hole to the gift cards and stretchy gold cord. Easy, but a little tedious to make! ...
Cordlife is proposing to merge with Global Cord Blood in what effectively is a reverse merger and a way to list Global Cord Blood on the Singaporean stock...