Go toLayer > Rasterize > Typeto rasterize the text layer, thenduplicatethe text layer and make the original layerinvisibleby clicking the eye icon next to it. Step 2 Double clickthe copy text layer to apply aGradient Overlay effect, and click theGradientdrop-down option to create the gradien...
Open the gear vector file, select one gear using any selection tool and paste it in your document. You can resize them and place them randomly to enhance the overall effect. Once you are done, click on one of the gear layer and apply the given layer style settings. You can use differen...
Spray Radius 0, and Stroke Direction Vertical. After that go to Filter>Artistic>Watercolor. Use the following settings: Brush Detail 11, Shadow Intensity 0, and texture 1. That will create a nice text effect, or you could experiment with different filters ...
Choose logo style fonts and text effects you like to generate your cool logo design Fancy png and gif animation title effects online maker Welcome to the beautiful font and logo builder! Create 3D captions and add neon and other effects to your fonts to make your text unique. ...
In this tutorial, we will learn how to create a cool graffiti text effect in Photoshop. Tutorial Details Program: Photoshop CS5 Estimated Completion Time: 20-25 Minutes Tutorial Assets The following assets were used in the creation of this tutorial. ...
4. Ghost Text Effect (PSD) There's nothing ghastly about the macabre Ghost. It's one of the cool text effects for Photoshop that have been created with a lot of quality. While this is perfect for a Halloween-themed project, this editable Photoshop text effect has a smoky aesthetic t...
Even if you aren’t, you might have seen some examples of the text animation. Think about a paragraph, which fades, bounces or flies in line by line. The effect looks cool and that’s why web designers have started to use it. But why would you need to fade in a long paragraph line...
In this tutorial, I'll teach you how to create a Photoshop luxury effect that you can use for your elegant text projects. Topics we cover will include: How to create a background by creating a seamless Damask pattern How to create a texture pattern using the rock textures for the ...
Once you enter the workflow, you can choose from different preset options generated using your photo. After selecting a preset, you can change: The default placeholder text to any text of your choice. Text properties such as fonts, size, alignment, stroke, shadow, spread etc. ...
This tutorial will teach you how to create some cool, editable 3D text in Photoshop. This effect is not limited to just text, and can be used with vector shapes as well. Step 1 We're starting off with a custom background that is 1,920 x 1,080 pixels. If you're aPanoPassmember, ...