The Laravel team released 8.36 with the ability to use a custom controller stub and a useCurrentOnUpdate() blueprint method for datetime columns in MySQL.
I have AuthController in Laravel and I have 2 tables, one is Users and one is Users_Information and I want to insert into Users_Information upon登记。 所以我想从下面的方法中获取 id 并插入一个新行并将该行的列 ID 设置为我刚刚创建的用户的 ID。 /** * Create a new user instance after ...
To create a table in Laravel, we would need to use the method named create, which is present in the class schema. This class enables providing access to an object, and the access is enabled from the container. This method takes in 2 arguments to execute the command, where the first one...
Today, i will show you step by step how to make a trait in laravel application. you can easily create traits and use it in laravel controller and modal. i will give you simple example of creating traits in laravel example. You can easily use php laravel traits in laravel 5 and laravel ...
In this step, we are going to Create Controller. Here, we will use ShortLinkController as a new controller. Using this controller, we are able to manage the layout. It is also used to store data in the database. Now we will use our controller file and add the following code into it...
Options, can be converted to a Laravel validation rule: $request->validate([ // ['in:frodo,sam,merry,pippin'] 'hobbit' => Options::forEnum(Hobbit::class)->toValidationRule() ]); When options are nullable, the validation rule automatically will become nullable: $request->validate([ //...
Laravel中缓存的使用 1.Laravel为各种不同的缓存系统提供了一致的API,支持的缓存有File、Memcached和Redis等 2.主要方法 put()、add()、forever()、has()、get()、pull()、forget() 3.配置文件路径 /config/cache.php 4.添加路由 Route::get('/cache1', 'HomeController@cache1'); Rout... ...
Laravel 开发团队本周发布了 6.12.0 版本,此次更新支持从扩展包加载模型工厂,通过 dump 函数测试 Session 数据,以及很多其他新特性。...'); // false $request->boolean('unchecked2'); // false $request->boolean('name...
Generate a Laravel CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) in 5 minutes. Are you building your App on Laravel? That's a great choice🎉. You must be planning an Admin panel for it. Well, if you're building one... Karan Datwani Published on 21 April 2024 ...
Der Controller enthält alle Funktionen zum CRUD von Beiträgen aus der Datenbank.Erstelle eine Controller-Datei innerhalb deiner Laravel-Anwendung mit Artisan:php artisan make:controller PostController --apiWenn du diesen Befehl ausführst, wird eine Datei PostController.php in app/Http/Controllers...