Yes, contracts created with Indy include an e-signature block. Signatures can be added easily. Indy's e-signatures make it a breeze to get the sign offs you need from clients, so that you can lock in the agreement quicker and get to work. Why is online contract management good for my...
Make your free online signature by drawing or typing it. Create a handwritten e-signature that you can use on your online documents in seconds.
CreateContractStatement CreateCredentialStatement CreateCryptographicProviderStatement CreateDatabaseAuditSpecificationStatement CreateDatabaseEncryptionKeyStatement CreateDatabaseStatement CreateDefaultStatement CreateEndpointStatement CreateEventNotificationStatement CreateEventSessionStatement CreateExternalDataSour...
An electronic signature is a symbol or other data in the digital format adopted by a person who wants to sign an electronic document. It can often take the form of an image of a physical signature. It stops users from having to print, sign, send and post a document or contract. You ...
With information such as Alipay user ID,payment amount, the partner sever calls this API to create a new trade transaction, and then receive the trade_no from the returned results. With the trade_no, the partner server can then prompt the user to pay. ...
An electronic signature can be defined as a symbol, sound, or even process that is associated with an electronic contract/document and represents the intention of someone to sign electronically. Pay special attention to the word intention. That’s a key point in the definition. The electronic si...
CreateContractStatement CreateCredentialStatement CreateCryptographicProviderStatement CreateDatabaseAuditSpecificationStatement CreateDatabaseEncryptionKeyStatement CreateDatabaseStatement CreateDefaultStatement CreateEndpointStatement CreateEventNotificationStatement CreateEventSessionStatement CreateExternalDataSourc...
If you have a Pro account, signees will also have access to digital sealing when signing PDFs with our service. As long as one party is a Smallpdf Pro member, you’ll get a digital signature instead of an electronic one. If you’re still in the draft phase of your contract, you can...
CreateContractStatement CreateCredentialStatement CreateCryptographicProviderStatement CreateDatabaseAuditSpecificationStatement CreateDatabaseEncryptionKeyStatement CreateDatabaseStatement CreateDefaultStatement CreateEndpointStatement CreateEventNotificationStatement CreateEventSessionStatement CreateExternalDataSourceStatement ...