conda activate conda_kmergenie 可以看到切换成功。 创建一个新的环境: conda create -n new_environment 创建成功(new_environment),默认路径为/home/admin/miniconda3/envs 在用conda安装R时,指定路径到一个新的文件夹,也会创建一个新的环境,不知道安装别的软件(如fastqc)适不适用,我没试过(我觉的将新的环境...
All administrative tasks for managing the Conda environment can be performed only by the ADMIN user. The following example describes the steps to create a new Conda environment, install external Python packages, and persist the environment in internal storage. Note that these tasks can be performed...
conda env update --prefix ./env --file environment.yml --prune #--prune选项使Conda删除环境中不再需要的所有依赖项 1. 2.3 环境克隆 想要做一个一模一样的环境,只是改变名字,或在另一个机器上做同样的环境来复现工作 conda create -n new_name --clone path/or_name 1. 克隆的话指定路径和名字都可...
ii)create a conda env that will contain python 3: $ conda create -n cs285_env python=3.5 (optional)delete env: iii) activate the environment (do this every time you open a new terminal and want to run code): $sourceactivate cs285_env iv) install the requirements into this conda env ...
To create an environment witha specific package: conda create -n myenv scipy To create an environment witha specific version of a package: conda create -n myenv scipy=0.17.3 To automatically install pip or another program every time a new environment is created, add the default programs to...
Create a conda environment or link to an existing conda environment that the instance group uses. When creating a conda environment, the Anaconda distribution instance is automatically deployed and created. When linking to an existing conda environment,
Configure an Anaconda environment for adding custom library packages to your WML Accelerator environment. Procedure Create a conda environment. conda create --name condaenvtf22 python==3.7.10where condaenvtf22 is the name of the new conda environment and 3.7.10 is the Python version installed....
#9463 Current Behavior Conda environment creation fails. I have a base environment and a custom environment. I exported my current custom environment to a yml file. I'm now trying to create a new environment (with my current env activate...
conda create新建环境失败报错:An unexpected error has occurred. Conda has prepared the above report. 问题描述:在Anaconda Prompt (anaconda3)中使用conda create命令新建环境报错如下: (base) D:\OneDrive\桌面>conda create -n my_env python==3.8 Collecting package metadata (current_repodata.json): failed...
先conda avtivate到自己想要导出的env,在当前目录直接conda env export --file lavis.conda.env.yml,file参数你自己随便起,当前目录下就会出现一个文件。然后conda env create -f lavis.conda.env.yml -n new_env,这样就把之前的环境迁移到new_env了。想使用就conda activate new_env就行了。