create_class_gmm(算子名称) 名称 create_class_gmm— Create a Gaussian Mixture Model for classification 参数签名 create_class_gmm( : :NumDim,NumClasses,NumCenters,CovarType,Preprocessing,NumComponents,RandSeed:GMMHandle) 描述 create_class_gmmcreates a Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) for classification.Nu...
halconcreate_class_gmm 算子参数解析 HalconCreateClassGMM 是一个用于创建高斯混合模型 (Gaussian Mixture Model, GMM) 的算子。GMM 是一种概率模型,常用于图像分割和聚类。以下是 HalconCreateClassGMM 算子的参数解析:1. ObjectHandle: 输出参数,表示新创建的 GMM 对象的句柄。2. Image: 输入参数,表示要用于...
本文将解析Halconcreate_class_gmm算子的参数,以便更好地理解和应用该算子。 1.输入图像参数(Image) 输入图像是Halconcreate_class_gmm算子处理的主要数据源。该参数接受一个灰度图像或彩色图像。对于多通道的彩色图像,算子将自动将其转换为灰度图像进行处理。 2.特征参数(Feature) 特征参数是用于训练GMM模型的特征向量...
Number of classes of the GMM. Default value:5 Suggested values:1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 Restriction:NumClasses >= 1 NumCenters(input_control)integer(-array)→(integer) Number of centers per class. Default value:1 Suggested values:1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 10, 15, 20, 30...
GmmeException JS(小游戏) Overview GameMediaEngine EngineCreateParams EventName EventHandler Model 实时信令 监听RTM连接状态 RtmConnectionChangedNotify 订阅/取消订阅RTM频道 SubscribeRtmChannelReq SubscribeRtmChannelResult UnSubscribeRtmChannelReq UnSubscribeRtmChannelResult 发送与接收RTM...
read_dl_classifier, create_class_svm, create_class_gmm See alsoclear_class_mlp, train_class_mlp, classify_class_mlp, evaluate_class_mlp ReferencesChristopher M. Bishop: “Neural Networks for Pattern Recognition”; Oxford University Press, Oxford; 1995. Andrew Webb: “Statistical Pattern ...
GmmeException JS(小游戏) Overview GameMediaEngine EngineCreateParams EventName EventHandler Model 实时信令 监听RTM连接状态 RtmConnectionChangedNotify 订阅/取消订阅RTM频道 SubscribeRtmChannelReq SubscribeRtmChannelResult UnSubscribeRtmChannelReq UnSubscribeRtmChannelResult 发送...
Display the properties of the GMM. properties(gm) Properties for class gmdistribution: NumVariables DistributionName NumComponents ComponentProportion SharedCovariance NumIterations RegularizationValue NegativeLogLikelihood CovarianceType mu Sigma AIC BIC
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