Name: S4HANACLOUD_BusinessPartner (you can set a different name) Type: HTTP Description: Business Parter Odata service URL: (copy the Service URL from the Inbound Services section on your previoulsy configurated Co,munication Arrangement) it should be something like this: https://<TenantID>;...
How to create BP in S4 HANA In the new SAP ECC6.0, used in S/4 HANA, the customers and vendors transactions have been merged in the same transaction BP, Business Partner. To create a business partner in the new transaction, open the transaction BP: ...
In S4 HANA, there is only 1 tcode to create customers as well as vendors ,i.e, BP. Business Partner creation Transaction Code - BP. Business Partner General Data You will get a default role 000000 (Business Partner General). The Business Partner roles you assign to a business partner ref...
In S4 HANA, there is only 1 tcode to create customers as well as vendors ,i.e,BP. Business Partner creation Transaction Code –BP. Business Partner General Data You will get a default role 000000 (Business Partner General). The Business Partner roles you assign to a business partner reflec...
ECC TO HANA ME21N Incoterms ; not transferred from the master data (business partner) when you create purchasing documents. 遇到问题情况:ME21N创建采购订单,Incoterms 没有自动从BP主数据中带出国际贸易术语,ECC环境会自动带出。 解决方案:Note 2464487
Client Id of the Application in the external Identity Provider. It is App ID for Facebook login, Client ID for Google login, App ID for Microsoft. TypeScript Copy clientId: string Property Value string clientSecret Client secret of the Application in external Identity Provider, used to ...
I'm adding the "Outbound Transportation (Basic Shipping Scenario)" in S4/HANA environment. As described in the instruction I first added the Business Partner and in the second setup I'm trying to add the carrier. When I hit save I get the message "You cannot create a vendor with grouping...
Azure 上的 Hana 硬體安全性模組 HDInsight Health Bot Healthcare API 混合式計算 混合式連線 Hybrid Container Service 混合式 Kubernetes 身分識別 Image Builder 影像搜尋 IoT Key Vault Kubernetes 組態 Kusto 實驗室服務 連結 負載測試 本機搜尋 鎖定 Locks-Profile-2020-09-01-Hybrid Log Analytics Logic Apps...
resumeFrom 序列化輪詢器,可用來繼續現有的暫停長時間執行作業。 updateIntervalInMs 延遲等候到下一次輪詢,以毫秒為單位。繼承的屬性展開表格 abortSignal 可用來中止要求的訊號。 onResponse 每次從伺服器收到回應時要呼叫的函式,同時執行要求的作業。可以多次呼叫。 requestOptions 建立和傳送此作業之 HTTP 要求時所...
Azure 上的 Hana 硬件安全模块 HDInsight Health Bot 运行状况数据 AI 服务 医疗保健 API 混合计算 混合连接 混合容器服务 混合Kubernetes 身份 映像生成器 图像搜索 Informatica 数据管理 IoT Iotoperations Key Vault Kubernetes 配置 Kusto 实验室服务 链接 负载测试 本地搜索 锁 Locks-Profile-2020-09-01-Hybrid...