How to create list report object pages How to run SAP Fiori applications How to deploy applications How to check BSP library in Eclipse How to create IAM apps and business catalogs The business catalogSAP_A4C_BC_DEV_UID_PC(Development - UI Deployment) needs to be assigned to a business role...
Additionally, the event binding ensures that this event is linked to SAP Event Mesh. To create a new event binding in your package, right click on Business Service > New > Event Binding. Provide a Namespace, the business object name, and the business event topic (business object operation)...
sap.ui.define(["sap/fe/core/AppComponent"],function(Component){"use strict";returnComponent.extend("project6.Component",{metadata:{manifest:"json"},init:function(){Component.prototype.init.apply(this,arguments);this.getRouter().navTo("ErrorCodeAllObjectPage",{key:"(1)"},true);}});}); ...
// Create the trigger Console.WriteLine("Creating the trigger"); // Set the start time to the current UTC time DateTime startTime = DateTime.UtcNow; // Specify values for the inputPath and outputPath parameters Dictionary<string, object> pipelineParameters = new Dictionary<string, object>();...
Backup and restore of workloads in Azure VM (SQL and SAP HANA) Once the private endpoint is created and approved, no other changes are required from the client side to use the private endpoint (unless you're using SQL Availability Groups, which we discuss later in this section). All commun...
Overview Solutions
Before any object in SAP HANA can be used, it needs to be activated. Readers familiar with the SAP ERP development cycle will have come across this notion often. Activation is simple – as you can see in the screenshot, at the top-right of the development pane is a round green button...
--- 🤟每日一言: 彩虹,在大雨后出现;腊梅,在风雪中吐蕊;雄鹰,在险峰上空盘旋;人,在困境中弥坚。 --- 目录 前言 ABAP技术栈 基础ABAP技能树 进阶ABAP技能树 高级ABAP技能树 写在最后的话 --- 前言 各位小伙伴们大家好呀,本文主要介绍的是SAP ABAP的技术栈,以及谈谈我个人对ABAP...
A function is offered in the Business Workplace for creating (new) objects for a work item. The F4 input help for this function only offers the object types that support the interface Create. Activities Position the cursor on the entry with a blue background that has the component name In...
On the SAP Easy Access screen, in the SAP Standard Menu choose Human Resources Training and Events Business Events Settings Current Settings Business Event Types . The Business Event Type: Initial Screen appears. Enter the validity start date of the object in the Validity field. For clarity'...