启用匿名访问不会使 blob 数据可供匿名访问,除非用户采取额外步骤显式配置了容器的匿名访问设置。 安全性启用存储帐户密钥访问权限可选启用此设置后,客户端可使用帐户访问密钥或 Microsoft Entra 帐户(默认值)向存储帐户授予请求。 禁用此设置将阻止使用帐户访问密钥进行授权。 有关详细信息,请参阅阻止对 Azure 存储帐...
Source: BlobContainerClient.cs Create(PublicAccessType, IDictionary<String,String>, BlobContainerEncryptionScopeOptions, CancellationToken)操作在指定帐户下创建一个新容器。 如果已存在同名的容器,操作将失败。 有关详细信息,请参阅 创建容器。 C# 复制 public virtual Azure.Response<Azure.Storage.Bl...
Azure Blob Storage uses a container resource to group a set of blobs. A blob can't exist by itself in Blob Storage. A blob must be stored in a container resource. Things to know about containers and blobs Let's look at the configuration characteristics of containers and blobs. ...
Create a container Understand the root container Resources TypeScript Blobs in Azure Storage are organized into containers. Before you can upload a blob, you must first create a container. This article shows how to create containers with theAzure Storage client library for JavaScript. ...
By Daniel Du I am working on my Blob storage sample of windows Azure and I get an exception as below when I create a blob container. “One of the reque
(accountName, accountKey);varcloudBlockBlob =cloudBlobContainer.GetBlockBlobReference(fileName);cloudBlockBlob.FetchAttributes();//这一句是关键,如果不加这一句就会报错,我把报错信息放到下面varinputAsset =_context.Assets.CreateFromBlob(cloudBlockBlob, storageCredentials, AssetCreationOptions.None);varstr...
Creates a transfer location for a Microsoft Azure Blob Storage container. AWS DataSync can use this location as a transfer source or destination.
方法如下: try{ ServletRequestAttributes requestAttributes = (ServletRequestAttributes) Request...
If the specified condition isn't met, the snapshot isn't created, and Azure Blob storage returns status code HTTPStatusCode.PreconditionFailed. For more information, see Snapshot Blob. Deleting snapshots A blob that has snapshots can't be deleted unless the snapshots are also deleted. You can...
現在、Azure Blob Storage へのデータの移動はブロック BLOB DataSync としてのみサポートされています。ブロブの種類の詳細については、Azure Blob Storage のドキュメントをご覧ください。 タイプ: 文字列 有効な値: BLOCK 必須: いいえ ContainerUrl 転送に含まれる Azure Blob ストレージ...