from monotonous and were about to drive me absolutely crazy with their ads and constant website malfunction. I can’t believe I went through 16 years of school without a tool as simple and adaptable as Citationsy. So thanks for your hard work on ...
Customize anything on your site with widgets, light/dark themes, and language packs. 👉 Get Started 📚 View the documentation 💬 Chat with the Hugo Blox Builder community or Hugo community ⬇️ Automatically import citations from BibTeX with the Hugo Academic CLI 🐦 Share your new ...
Citation You can cite ATON framework usingthis open-access publicationwith the following BibTeX entry: @article{fanini2021aton, title={ATON: An Open-Source Framework for Creating Immersive, Collaborative and Liquid Web-Apps for Cultural Heritage}, author={Fanini, Bruno and Ferdani, Daniele and De...
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If the repository is not hosted on GitHub, a .cff file can still be uploaded to set your preferred citation. Users will be able to manually copy and paste the citation. Check final PDF and Crossref metadata that was deposited 👉Creating pull request for 10.21105.joss.05566joss-papers#5030...
Lesson plan contains references to several open-access publications which are listed in the BIBTEX file Slido poll questions template to download and embed in your own workshop presentation. Link for the Slido poll questions is here. Citation @misc{rokhmanova_explaining_2023, address = {Scientific...
Customize anything on your site with widgets, light/dark themes, and language packs. 👉 Get Started 📚 View the documentation 💬 Chat with the Wowchemy research community or Hugo community ⬇️ Automatically import citations from BibTeX with the Hugo Academic CLI 🐦 Share your new site...