The syntax of the regular table and temp tables are the same. The only difference is the prefix that we used before the table name. To create the local temp table, we must use#before the name of the table. To create a global temp table, we must use##before the name of the table....
syntaxsql CREATEDATABASEdatabase_snapshot_nameON(NAME=logical_file_name,FILENAME='os_file_name') [ ,...n ]ASSNAPSHOTOF[;] 引數 database_name 這是新資料庫的名稱。 資料庫名稱在 SQL Server 的執行個體內必須是唯一的,且必須符合識別碼的規則。
Transact-SQL 語法慣例 注意 Azure Synapse Analytics 的無伺服器 SQL 集區不支援此語法。 語法 syntaxsql -- Syntax for SQL Server and Azure SQL DatabaseCREATECERTIFICATEcertificate_name[AUTHORIZATIONuser_name] {FROM<existing_keys>|<generate_new_keys>} [ACTIVEFORBEGIN_DIALOG= {ON|OFF} ]<existing_key...
在SQL Server 中,此语句创建新数据库和使用的文件及其文件组。 它还可用于创建数据库快照,或附加数据库文件以从其他数据库的分离文件创建数据库。 语法 创建数据库。 有关语法约定的详细信息,请参阅Transact-SQL 语法约定。 syntaxsql CREATEDATABASEdatabase_name[CONTAINMENT= {NONE|PARTIAL} ] [ON[PRIMARY]<fil...
The backup device where the full database backup is written. The basic Transact-SQL syntax for a full database backup is: BACKUP DATABASE database TO backup_device [ ,...n ] [ WITH with_options [ ,...o ] ] ; Expand table Option Description database Is the database that is to ...
在SQL Database 上使用資料庫範圍認證。 搭配PolyBase 使用資料庫範圍認證,並Azure SQL 受控執行個體 數據虛擬化功能。Transact-SQL 語法慣例語法syntaxsql 複製 CREATE CREDENTIAL credential_name WITH IDENTITY = 'identity_name' [ , SECRET = 'secret' ] [ FOR CRYPTOGRAPHIC PROVIDER crypto...
The account under which the SQL Server service runs must have write permissions to the backup device. However, sp_addumpdevice, which adds an entry for a backup device in the system tables, doesn't check file access permissions. Problems in the backup device's physical file may ...
Transact-SQL Syntax Conventions Syntax Copy CREATE DATABASE database_name [ ON { [ PRIMARY ] [ <filespec> [ ,...n ] [ , <filegroup> [ ,...n ] ] [ LOG ON { <filespec> [ ,...n ] } ] } ] [ COLLATE collation_name ] [ WITH <external_access_option> ] ] [;] To attach...
Syntax: CREATE TABLE table_name( column_name1 data_type [NULL|NOT NULL], column_name2 data_type [NULL|NOT NULL], ... ); In the above CREATE TABLE syntax,table_nameis the name of the table you want to give,column_name1is the name of the first column,column_name2would be the nam...
在SQL Server 中,还应使用BACKUP SERVICE MASTER KEY备份服务主密钥,并将备份存储在另外一个安全的位置中。 Transact-SQL 语法约定 语法 syntaxsql CREATEMASTERKEY[ENCRYPTIONBYPASSWORD='password'] [ ; ] 参数 PASSWORD ='password' 用于加密数据库主密钥的密码。 password 必须符合运行 SQL Server 实例的计算机的...