I.ListIAMPolicy: 列出布署Cluster之AWS账号所需IAM权限 J.Version: 版本说明 选项A:CreateConfigFile:产生配置文件 (Option A : CreateConfigFile : Create Config file)执行 MDXAWSDeploymentConsole.exe -CreateConfigFile 配置文件会建立在C:\Moldex3D\AWS-Connect 2023\Config下, 档名为 MDXWSDeployment.conf。
H.CheckVPNSharedKeyValidity: 检查VPN shared key是否合乎规则 I.ListIAMPolicy: 列出布署Cluster之AWS账号所需IAM权限 J.Version: 版本说明 选项A:CreateConfigFile:产生配置文件 (Option A : CreateConfigFile : Create Config file) 执行MDXAWSDeploymentConsole.exe -CreateConfigFile 配置文件会建立在C:\Moldex3D...
H.CheckVPNSharedKeyValidity:检查VPN shared key是否合乎规则 I.ListIAMPolicy:列出布署Cluster之AWS账号所需IAM权限 J.Version:版本说明 选项A:CreateConfigFile:产生配置文件(Option A : CreateConfigFile : Create Config file) 执行MDXAWSDeploymentConsole.exe -CreateConfigFile 配置文件会建立在C:\Moldex3D\AWS-...
AWS Config 可透過可透過 AWS 主控台建立的彙總器來啟用資料彙總 AWS CLI,或允許使用者從多個區域的個別帳戶或整個組織收集組態資料。設定程序涉及指定來源帳戶、授予資料複寫的必要許可,以及選取目標區域,同時提供選項以供未來包含區域。
[ aws . mq ]create-configuration¶ Description¶ Creates a new configuration for the specified configuration name. Amazon MQ uses the default configuration (the engine type and version). See also: AWS API DocumentationSynopsis¶ create-configuration [--authentication-strategy <value>] --engine-...
aws autoscaling put-scaling-policy --policy-name Memory40-target-tracking-scaling-policy --auto-scaling-group-name Memory --policy-type TargetTrackingScaling --target-tracking-configuration file://config.json Bash To create a step scaling policy ...
Create and Upload the AWS Lambda Deployment Package Step 1: Update the Source Code (Optional) Locate the source code filecw_auto_alarms.pyin your project directory. This file contains the logic for creating and managing CloudWatch alarms.
aws acm-pca update-certificate-authority --certificate-authority-arn<arn:aws:acm-pca:us-east-1:111122223333:certificate-authority/12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012>--revocation-configuration file://revoke_config.txt --profile<primary_account_credentials> ...
Currently, using machine profiles is restricted to Azure, AWS, GCP, and VMware VMs. For VMware deployments, when creating a machine catalog using a machine profile, you must specify the folder where you want to keep the virtual machines. ...
POST /config HTTP/1.1 Content-type: application/json{"configData":{... }, "name": "string", "tags":{"string" : "string" } } URI Request Parameters The request does not use any URI parameters. Request Body The request accepts the following data in JSON format. ...