Intune Mobile Device Management (MDM) Reply Rudy_Ooms_MVP MVP Oct 18, 2021 Hi, Looking at the screenshot you are trying to create a new Apple MDM push certificate or are you renewing it?When I am trying to do the same here:
How to create a backup of your Microsoft Endpoint Manager (Intune) infrastructure! Dear Microsoft Intune Friends, Imagine the following situation. You have invested several hours to build your Microsoft Endpoint Manager (Intune) infrastructure. After the final tests, ever...
AD Health Check, Send HTML Email, Ping machines, Encrypt Password,Bulk Password,Microsoft Teams,Monitor Certificate expiry, Monitor cert expiry, AD attributes, IP to Hostname, Export AD group, CSV to SQL,Shutdown, Restart, Local Admin, Disk Space, Account expiry,Restore Permissions, Backup permi...
Enroll devices in Microsoft Intune Device enrollment overview Configure enrollment features Get Apple MDM push certificate Add corporate identifiers Add device enrollment manager Add device categories Require multifactor authentication Create terms and conditions policy ...
Roll out new certificates to managed devices, or use existing certificates, such as third-party MDM certificates. For example, you may want to deploy client certificate to managed devices and then block access from devices without a certificate.For more information, see Identity managed devices ...
Copy the publisherCertificateName value into the Publisher box and copy the packageIdentityName value into the Name box of Intune. 重要 The JSON file might also return a windowsPhoneLegacyId value for both the Publisher Name and Product Name boxes. This means that you ha...
that can be used to create the AET from the exported certificate. The generator creates three different forms of the AET: a raw version containing the AET in XML format (.xml), a Base64-encoded version used with an MDM such as Windows Intune or System Center 2012 Configuration Manager (...
Az iOS-eszközök, például az iPad és az iPhone-ok kezeléséhez létre kell hoznia egy Apple Push Notification service (APNs) tanúsítványt.Jelentkezzen be a Microsoft Azure-ba az Intune rendszergazdai fiókjával. Lépjen az MDM push-tanúsítvány konfigurálása cím...
本文列出并介绍了可以在 Intune 中的 iOS/iPadOS 设备上配置的不同符合性设置。 作为移动设备管理 (MDM) 解决方案的一部分,请使用这些设置来要求发送电子邮件、将 rooted (越狱) 设备标记为不合规、设置允许的威胁级别、将密码设置为过期等。 此功能适用于: ...
在Azure 入口網站中,選取 [Intune]>[裝置設定]>[設定檔],然後選取您在使用Intune 設定 VPN 用戶端中建立的 VPN 設定檔。 在原則編輯器中,選取 [屬性]>[設定]>[基底 VPN]。 擴展現有的 [EAP Xml] 以包含篩選器,該篩選器為 VPN 用戶端提供從使用者的憑證存放區中擷取 Microsoft Entra 條件式存...