runs react native Application in iOS simulator. with the default code generated by react-native-cli (Write what you thought would happen.) Actual Behavior it build fine, and installs the App into the iOS simulator but when tries to run the app the app exists without any visible message or ...
create-react-native-app不再有ios和android文件的原因是因为它已经被Expo CLI取代。Expo CLI是一个基于React Native的开发工具,它提供了一套易于使用的开发环境和工具链,使开发者能够更快速地构建跨平台的移动应用程序。 Expo CLI的优势在于它提供了许多内置的功能和组件,使开发者能够轻松地访问设备的各种...
react-native-cli打包需要依懒android studio 和 xcode , 配置繁琐。 create-react-native-app只需要 配置 app.json 然后运行 exp build:android 或 exp build:ios 就可以打包了 看了上边的这么多对比,下边我们正式进入create-react-native-app的环境搭建 依赖 手机端: 安装Expo app 电脑端: Nodejs:安装我们就不...
第二种只需要 配置 app.json 然后运行 exp build:android 或 exp build:ios 就可以打包了 how to use create-react-native-app npm install -g create-react-native-app create-react-native-app appName cd appName npm start 在移动设备上查看你的项目,需要移动设备和电脑在同一网段内 运行npm start 后会...
1.create-react-native-app(下文简称CRNA); 2.Expo(原名Exponent)。 第一个是电脑上用来创建 RN 应用的工具,第二个是手机上安装的应用(Android、iOS 都有)。iOS 到 AppStore 搜 Expo 进行下载, Android 到 google play 下载,或者到 APKPure 下载,具体可以百度下。Expo 同时还提供了一个 XDE 的开发工具用来...
It's recommended to use a framework to build apps with React Native,learn more. Deprecated Create a new Expo project withcreate-expo-appinstead: #Usage for bun, npm, pnpm, and yarn$ npm create expo $ bun create expo $ pnpm create expo $ yarn create expo#Output help information with all...
While Meta, Microsoft and Shopify all build cross-platform apps with React Native. Summary: we don't recommend building natively. You'll build faster, get a product that's accessible by virtually anyone and have all the benefits of native, without the cost and lack of flexibility, with a ...
利用Create React Native App 快速创建 React Native 应用从属于笔者的大前端开发相关,更多 React Native 相关资料参考React Native-Reference。本文介绍的 Create-React-Native-App 是非常 Awesome 的工具,而其背后的 Expo 整个平台也让笔者感觉非常的不错。笔者目前公司是采用 APICloud 进行移动应用开发(人少 + 应用...
And we’ll do this for both iOS and Android. What if you’ve already built a React Native app? Well, how do you feel about it? Are you confident in the choices you made? Do you feel like you’ve got a solid foundation of knowledge and experience? If so, then this course probably...