背景描述有一个旧域名xxxx.misiyu.cn 是以前临时用的,然后目前启用正式域名了,想要把旧域名(xxxx.misiyu.cn )跳转到正式域名,并且是要附带域名后面的参数。...解决办法网上查了下,其实也简单,利用Laravel现成的一些方法即可。...在routes/web.php文件增加: Route:..
As such, Laravel Eloquent has excellent tools for creating and testing APIs to support your development. In this hands-on article, you’ll see how easy it is to create and test APIs using Laravel. In this demonstration, you’ll start by creating a model that you can use to build theAPI...
Laravel模型策略"Create“不起作用 函数create with show project details by id in laravel Laravel - Model::create()有效,但缺少属性 在laravel 5.7中如何dd meta标记中的内容 页面内容是否对你有帮助? 有帮助 没帮助 视频 视频合辑 共50个视频 轻松学会Laravel-项目篇(商城API) 学习猿地 ...
If you don't like keeping your helpers.php file in your app directory (because it's not a PSR-4 namespaced class file), you can do what the laravel.com website does: store the helpers.php in the bootstrap directory. Remember to set it in your composer.json file: "files": [ "bo...
Laravel API: Create and Test an API in Laravel Learn how to perform testing APIs using in Laravel by creating a model that you can use to build the API in Laravel. Reading time 8 min read Updated date March 19, 2024 Post type Blog Topic API Topic Laravel Powerful Managed WordPress Ho...
I use Laravel 10 and the package Antidot-be/bpost-api-library I am unable to create an international Package (example send a parcel to BE to FR : at client home) I get always an error like : "The delivery method bpack BUSINESS with product group bpack World Express Pro is not valid...
安装laravel5.7框架 安装依赖 配置 初始化 运行环境 正式开发演示 创建模块 创建模型 执行自动化构建 命令说明 auto:init g:module g:model auto:auth auto:api 前端相关说明 文件配置 页面配置说明index.js 其他 mysql版本太低执行迁移报错 执行Seeder报错 ...
开发者ID:FomKiosk,项目名称:API-Laravel,代码行数:22,代码来源:OrderRepository.php 示例4: store ▲点赞 2▼ /** * Store a newly created resource in storage. * *@returnResponse */publicfunctionstore(Request $request){unset($request['_token']); ...
In Laravel 5 REST API project sometime we need to create create our own custom header for security. like : 'X-hardik':'123456'. this was example, that means in your current project your every request with pass your own custom header like i give you example.this custom h...
composer require laravel/breeze --dev Then, publish the Breeze library's resources in the project by running: Bash Copy code php artisan breeze:install react npm install npm run dev Next, add Stripe support. If you don't know what Stripe is, it's a service that provides an API fo...