`create_ansible_file`是Ansible的一个函数,用于创建一个新的Ansible配置文件。这个函数的参数包括:- `filename`:要创建的Ansible配置文件的名称。- `content`:要写入Ansible配置文件的内容。例如,如果你想要创建一个名为`my_playbook.yml`的Ansible配置文件,你可以使
$ ansible-playbook-Kvim-config.yaml The new configuration file no longer has the Airline configuration: $cat$HOME/.vimrc execute pathogen#infect()syntax on filetype plugin indent on colo industry" Configuration Vim.FZF let g:fzf_preview_window = 'right:50%' let g:fzf_layout = { 'window'...
至此,已经完成Ansible的部署,接下来就可以通过Ansible对设备进行管理了。 2、Ansible配置 Inventory是Ansible管理主机信息的配置文件,相当于系统Hosts文件的功能,默认存放在/etc/ansible/hosts。在hosts文件中,通过分组来组织设备,Ansible通过Inventory来定义主机和分组,通过在ansible命令中使用选项-i或--inventory-file来指定...
ISSUE TYPE Bug Report SUMMARY Unable to create a new configuration file using redirection. You can try ansible-navigator config init -m stdout > ansible.cfg to reproduce it. ANSIBLE-NAVIGATOR VERSION ansible-navigator 3.4.3.dev6 CONFIGUR...
file: path: /src/www state: directory Additional alternatives can be found by visiting https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/collections/ansible/builtin/file_module.html. Solution 2: According to the documentation ( Ansible file ), it is possible to customize the file module beyond its defaul...
[WARNING]: Failed to create the directory '/home/x/.ansible': [Errno 13] Permission denied: b'/home/x/.ansible' ansible 2.10.3 config file = /home/x/.config/ansible/ansible.cfg configured module search path = ['/home/x/.config/ansible/plugins/modules', '/usr/share/ansible/plugins/mo...
Save and close the file. Now, when we re-run the playbook, Ansible will check each task. It will see that Nginx is already installed on the host, so it will leave it be. It will see the new task section and replace the default index.html file with the one from our server....
开发者ID:HewlettPackard,项目名称:oneview-ansible,代码行数:28,代码来源:test_oneview_server_hardware_facts.py 示例2: test_should_fail_when_create_raises_exception deftest_should_fail_when_create_raises_exception(self, mock_ansible_module, mock_ov_client_from_json_file):mock_ov_instance = mock....
Ansible's Nmap plugin Now you are ready to explore theAnsible Nmap plugin: # We do not want to do a port scan, only get the list of hosts dynamically---plugin:nmapaddress:"'Amazon' in hostname"regular:"'host' in hostname" ...
使用Ansible执行编排脚本"provisioners": [ { "type": "ansible", "playbook_file": "./playbook.yml" } ]安装CPFS客户端 由于CPFS需要安装的包较多,且一部分安装包涉及现场编译流程,安装过程比较费时。在客户端节点数量较大时,使用自定义镜像可以极大减少批量安装CPFS客户端节点的成本。示例配置如下。 展开查看...