Creates aGeoPackageor anSQLitedatabase that contains the ST_Geometry orSpatiaLitespatial type. Usage TheOutput Database Nameparameter value will be automatically assigned an extension based on the value of theSpatial Typeparameter. If the spatial type parameter value isST_GeometryorSpatiaLite, the out...
次のスタンドアロン スクリプトは、CreateSQLiteDatabase ツールを使用して ST_Geometry 空間タイプを含む SQLite データベースを作成する方法を示しています。 import arcpy # Execute CreateSQLiteDatabase arcpy.CreateSQLiteDatabase_management('C:/data/example.sqlite', 'ST_GEOMETRY') 環境 現在...
public void onCreate(SQLiteDatabase db) {// 数据库第一次被创建的时候被调用,最开始创建数据库时赋的版本号值是0 // SQLiteDatabase用于生成数据库表;数据库存放路径:<package name>/databases/ db.execSQL("create table person(personid integer primary key autoincrement, name varchar(20))"); } @Ov...
It's common to save SQLite database files with an extension of.db. Sometimes also.sqlite. Create a Table¶ After doing that, it might prompt you to create a new table right away. If it doesn't, click the buttonCreate Table.
Create SQLite Connection Create the SQLite connectionconnto the existing SQLite database filetutorial.db. The SQLite connection is ansqliteobject. dbfile ="tutorial.db"; conn = sqlite(dbfile); Create Database Table Use the SQL CREATE statement to create the database tablePerson. ...
final public SQLiteDatabase::__construct ( string $filename [, int $mode = 0666 [, string &$error_message ]] ) Opens an SQLite database or creates the database if it does not exist. 参数 filename The filename of the SQLite database. If the file does not exist, SQLite will attempt...
Android.Database Android.Database.Sqlite Android.Database.Sqlite Conflict DatabaseOpenFlags ISQLiteCursorDriver ISQLiteTransactionListener SQLiteAbortException SQLiteAccessPermException SQLiteBindOrColumnIndexOutOfRangeException SQLiteBlobTooBigException SQLiteCantOpenDatabaseException SQLiteClosable SQLiteConstraintExcept...
Return a SQLiteRawStatement connected to the database. A transaction must be in progress or an exception will be thrown. The resulting object will be closed automatically when the current transaction closes. Java documentation for android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase.createRawStatement(java.lang.Str...
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