Every time I enter the app password I see an error message saying: Unable to sign in. Try again or create an app password for this account. I am copying and pasting the app password and ticking the 'show password' tickbox to check that it is correct. I have used the same process of...
1.进入苹果官网http://www.apple.com/cn/ 2.拉到页底,选择账户-管理你的Apple ID Paste_Image.png 3.登录(如果开启双重验证,在点击登录后应该会需要输入一个6位的密码...) 4.在安全栏里找到一个叫APP专用密码的条目,点击下面的生成密码 Paste_Image.png 5.弹出框中随便创建一个名称,比如:XXXAPP开发,并...
只需一个 Apple 账户和密码即可访问所有 Apple 服务。 登录以管理你的账户。
Please sign in with an app-specific password. You can create one at appleid.apple.com. 意思是需要重新登录开发者账户密码, 因为(本人)开启了双重认证的缘故吧 第一步: https://appleid.apple.com/#!&page=signin 登录开发者账户,注册密码 图片.png 第二步: 上图安全位置, 点击生成密码, 输入名称标...
Note:It's crucial to ensure that your phone number is accurate and accessible. This number will help you recover your account in case you forget your password or encounter any issues. Apple may use this phone number for two-factor authentication, adding an extra layer of security to your acc...
Get an iCloud Email Address . From the Email Address screen, enter your preferred email then tap Continue . The email address entered becomes the Apple ID. Tap Create Email Address to confirm. Enter the password into the required fields then tap ...
https://blog.csdn.net/mqf163/article/details/53395746 打包时登录ApplicationLoader时 报错:Please sign in with an app-specific password. You can create one at appleid.出现这个错误的原因是 账号开启了双重认证;解决方法如下: &...
Despite following exact directions (and having done it multiple times in the past), I'm now stuck in an endless loop of being unable to get past the second Apple ID login to create an app-specific password (for CarbonCopyCloner). It will not accept my genuine Apple ID password and ...
An Apple Account is needed to sign in to the Apple Business Register web portal. It consists of an email address and a password. Note:It’s best for each person in your organization to have their own Apple Account for Apple Business Register, rather than using a shared or personal Apple ...
The user receives an email with their Managed Apple Account and temporary password. Create sign-in information or reset passwords for multiple users In Apple Business Essentials, sign in with a user that has the role of Administrator or People Manager. Select Users in the sidebar, then select ...