Create Alloyed Mod - Steel and bronze texture related items Immersive aircraft item textures Fresh animations CEM Fork ...
A mod that adds bronze and steel is needed to access the bronze and steel cannon materials. Create: Alloyed Will older versions be supported? No, although the mod is open source and MIT licensed so feel free to port it yourself.
Surface textures consisting of a repeating radial striation pattern of sine waves were reproducibly generated on the face of the disc work piece (an aluminium alloy AlSi1MgMn and a low-alloyed steel 16MnCr5) when the frequency of the superposed vibration was in phase with the rotational speed of...
This is not always the case, as Pd and Co have been found to perform better when the elemental powders are mixed rather than alloyed [52]. Fe benefitted from 4 h of milling, nearly matching the alloy, though it decreased significantly at longer times. That same trend of decreasing ...
第14 卷第 8 期 2022 年 8 月 精密成形工程 JOURNAL OF NETSHAPE FORMING ENGINEERING 93 增材制造 镍基高温合金 CM247LC 增材制造研究进展 乔绅,周文哲,谭庆彪,董安平,祝国梁,疏达,孙宝德 (上海交通大学 上海市先进高温材料及其精密成形重点实验室,上海 200240) 摘要:航空航天领域的热端部件逐渐呈现结构复杂化...