On your computer, create an empty local folder to use for the project that you'll later create in Visual Studio Code. In Visual Studio Code, close all open folders. In the Azure window, on the Workspace section toolbar, from the Azure Logic Apps menu, select Create new project. If ...
WorkspaceMappingType WorkspaceTemplate WrappedException XamlBuildControllerReference XamlBuildDefinition XamlBuildReference XamlBuildServerReference XamlDefinitionReference YamlBuild YamlFileDetails YamlFileSource YamlFileSourceTypes YamlPipelineProcess YamlPipelineProcessResources YamlProcess YamlSourceReference azure-devops...
Steps to Reproduce: It's about extension apiworkspace.createFileSystemWatcher. If passing inc:/foo/barit could work. But it could fail when passing inC:/foo/bar It seems#87257happened again. There is an underlying upstream issue:parcel-bundler/watcher#63 But maybe we can address this on our...
On your computer, create an empty local folder to use for the project that you'll later create in Visual Studio Code. In Visual Studio Code, close all open folders. In the Azure window, on the Workspace section toolbar, from the Azure Logic Apps menu, select Create New Project. If ...
├── pnpm-workspace.yaml ├── README.md ├── renovate.json ├── scripts | ├── build.mjs | ├── prepublish.mjs | ├── snapshot.mjs | └── test.mjs ├── template | ├── base | ├── code | ├── config ...
Create an empty folder. Name it DotNet Core Sample. Right click on that folder. From the displayed context menu, select Open with Code option. This will open the Visual Studio Code with a selected folder as your workspace. Use Ctrl+` (backtick character) shortcut to open the built-in te...
It is a subrask for#22706 We need to create a separate editor to allow creating a workspace and initializing code-server on the startup using VS Code command line interface ( CLI ). On the startup, the editor should propose the user to select an authentication provider ( Microsoft or Gi...
WorkspaceMappingType ArbeitsbereichVorlage WrappedException XamlBuildControllerReference XamlBuildDefinition XamlBuildReference XamlBuildServerReference XamlDefinitionReference YamlBuild YamlFileDetails YamlFileSource YamlFileSourceTypes YamlPipelineProcess YamlPipelineProcessResources YamlProcess YamlSourceReference azure-dev...
create-react-appis a global command-line utility that you use to create new projects. react-scriptsis a development dependency in the generated projects (including this one). You almost never need to updatecreate-react-appitself: it delegates all the setup toreact-scripts. ...
{ "version": "0.2.0", "configurations": [ { "name": "Chrome", "type": "chrome", "request": "launch", "url": "http://localhost:3000", "webRoot": "${workspaceRoot}/src", "sourceMapPathOverrides": { "webpack:///src/*": "${webRoot}/*" } } ] } Note: the URL may be...