I've built a software project and hosted it on Github. Now, I'd like to create an accompanying website (with some features like 'About Me', 'Documentation', 'Further Information', etc.). I also have some JavaScript content that should be located there. That's why I'm looking for an...
A library for starting to create a website. Contribute to syframework/bootstrap development by creating an account on GitHub.
Create a webpage with just markdown! Create a new html page,my-page.html Add the following script tag at the very top of the page Write somemarkdown <!-- my-page.html --> <script src="https://rawcdn.githack.com/oscarmorrison/md-page/232e97938de9f4d79f4110f6cfd637e186b63317/md...
Learn how to create a free website with the HugoBlox open source website builder for Hugo. Choose a stunning template and personalize anything with the HugoBlox website builder - no coding skills needed. Write in Markdown, take control of your data, and
Much like GitHub, Gitlab offers a web-based solution for managing coding projects, making it easier to track and resolve bugs and other issues with the…
Start a watch on all packages to rebuild them easily yarn start Start documentation website yarn website and go to http://localhost:3020 How to release The release of the library is automated by the CI, you just need to bump package version and push git tags to initiate the process...
After the pipeline is created, you will edit it to add a stage with a test action to test the code, also using Jenkins. Before you can create this pipeline, you must configure the required resources. For example, if you want to use a GitHub repository for your source code, you must...
GitHub Azure Repos You've completed the work to add a queue to your website. Now, the website development team is ready for you to merge the changes to your main branch. In this exercise, you'll create and merge a pull request for your changes.During...
Before we start, let's check in with Mara and Andy.Andy: Hi, Mara. I know you've got a build pipeline running on Azure. I'm adding a feature to the website, and I want to see the build process for myself. Are we ready to do that?Mara: Absolutely. I created the pipeline on...
Use Case (inspired by a conversation on our Discord) Use case: I want to directly expose the contents of my bucket to the web, or turn an existing S3 bucket into a website perhaps: let bucket = new cloud.Bucket(); let website = cloud.Web...