Sign up for a free account. Once that is completed, you will be guided to a page where you can easily create your WebQuest using a basic interface (text formatting editor) similar to what you would find in any email or word-processing program. After creating your WebQuest, you can previ...
Get help at any stage—from site creation to online growth. Website builder FAQ Is it easy to build a website? Yes. Wix offers a few different ways to create your own free website, so you can choose the creation process that works best for you. Pick from 900+ designer-made templates...
If you've read the Education World techtorial HTML Basics, you know how easy it is to create a basic Web page. In this article, you'll learn how to extend those lessons to create your own classroom Web page. Included: Four steps to designing and creating a classroom Web site.According...
This activity will offer students a nice break from structured learning. Adapt it to fit your needs. Have some Friday Fun! DESCRIPTION As a computer resource teacher, it is Nancy Barger's responsibility to find ways to incorporate technology into the learning experiences of her elementary students...
Create, study and share online flash cards. Welcome to Flashcard Machine. A free service for creating web-based study flashcards that can be shared with others. With over 119 million flash cards created to-date, Flashcard Machine is your premier online s
By Lorrie Jackson Begin the Techtorial Printable Version of Tutorial What's a Techtorial? EW LessonPlans More than 1,000 FREE LessonsReading, Writing, Math, Science, History & Every-Day Edits! Sitemap 75 Mill Street, Colchester, CT 06415...
Arrange students into groups, and ask students in each group to choose an activity they might participate in during the summer, such as boating, swimming, camping, barbequing, playing sports, using playground equipment, and so on. Have each group work together to create a safety slogan for th...
to do anything about creating a Web site for your school," said Patrick J. Greene, an assistant professor of educational technology atFlorida Gulf Coast Universityin Fort Myers, Florida. "Use the free [online] resources that can connect your entire school or district without costing you a ...
Create a Seating Chart With Excel By Lorrie Jackson Printable Version of Tutorial What's a Techtorial? EWWorksheets 1000's of Free Ready-to-PrintStudent Worksheets, Templates, Certificates & Every-Day Edits! Sitemap 75 Mill Street, Colchester, CT 06415...
Math & Reading Games WebQuests Tech in the Classroom Tech Tools Web Site Reviews Creating a WebQuest Digital Citizenship Online Courses All Online PD Courses Child Development Courses Reading and Writing Courses Math & Science Courses Classroom Technology Courses A to Z Grant Writing Courses Spanish ...