Oracle XML DB Developer's Guidefor information onXMLTypeviews ALTER VIEWandDROP VIEWfor information on modifying a view and removing a view from the database Prerequisites To create a view in your own schema, you must have theCREATEVIEWsystem privilege. To create a view in another user's sch...
create or replace view v_test as select * from test where age=10; create or replace: 如果view存在就覆盖,不存在才创建。 删除视图: drop view 视图名; 权限控制: 要在您自己的模式中创建视图,您必须具有CREATE VIEW系统特权。 要在其他用户的模式中创建视图,您必须具有CREATE ANY VIEW系统特权。 包含该...
用test登陆 create view test01 as select * from hr.employees; 报错ORA-01031,表明insufficient privileges (二)问题分析解决 (1)在ORACLE官方文档中用此条描述: ou must have been granted one of the following system privileges, either explicitly or through a role: TheCREATEVIEWsystem privilege (to crea...
Starting in Oracle Database 19c (19.7), you no longer have to compromise, as Oracle introduced parameterized views orSQL Table Macros. SQL table macros are expressions found in a FROM clause that acts as a polymorphic or parameterized view. Let’s look at how this can help us with the vi...
CREATE FORCE VIEW AS ...; When a view is created with errors, Oracle returns a message and leaves the status of the view as INVALID. If conditions later change so that the query of an invalid view can be executed, then the view can be recompiled and become valid. Oracle dynamically com...
Oracle 模式下的WITH CHECK OPTION语法不支持指定为LOCAL,默认为CASCADED。 示例 选择表tbl1中的col1、col2列来创建视图view1。 obclient>CREATEORREPLACEFORCEVIEWview1(vcol1,vcol2)ASSELECTcol1,col2FROMtbl1;Query OK,0rowsaffected 基于表tbl2的a、b列来创建视图view2,view2中包含满足tbl2.b > 1的全部...
可以通过视图插入新行,更新通过视图看到的行中的数据,以及删除通过视图看到的行。如果CREATE VIEW语句...
The following query works when I run it, yet when I try and create a View I get the error ORA-00998. I have tried aliasing the column t.job, with no success. I've read documentation, and still don't understand what I need to do to create this view. Any insights would be most ...
CREATE/ALTER/DROP VIEW CREATE [OR REPLACE] [FORCE|NOFORCE] VIEW [schema.] viewname [( alias[, alias ...])] AS viewquery [WITH CHECK OPTION [CONSTRAINT constraint]] Creates a view. ALTER VIEW [ … - Selection from Oracle SQL: the Essential Reference [Boo
CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW AREA_TOWN AS SELECT area_name,cuid FROM (SELECT a.area_name,a.cuid FROM AREA a ORDER BY a.area_name) WITH READ ONLY; 经过自己测试了一下,还真是这样,当然,上面的sql语句是网上的,我自己的语句就不发出来了,呵呵~...