For example, creating a zero filled vector of 1M elements: var zeroFilled = [].slice.apply(new Uint8Array(1000000)) I'm a Linux user and always have worked for me, but once a friend using a Mac had some non-zero elements. I thought his machine was malfunctioning, but still here...
So open up the Layers panel and create a total of two layers, which we will rename as follows: layer 1: background layer 2: vases 3. How to Create the Background Before creating custom vector textures in Illustrator, we'll make a simple background. So make sure you position yourself...
Tutorials Use masks to place an image into a custom shape and crop out parts of an image that you do not want to be visible. Check out this tutorial on how to work with images and masking in XD. Viewing time: 1 minute. More like this ...
Show/Hide layer C. Layer is linked to another layer D. Preview of a layer E. Highlighted layer is active layer F. Locked layer G. Layer has style applied In the list of layers, the panel shows a thumbnail, a title, and one or more icons that give information about each layer: The...
In this tutorial I'll show you how to create a chalkboard vector with gradients and brushes. Use your new chalkboard vector for so many projects!
Vote 1 Link Answered: Thorsten on 4 Apr 2017 I have a vector, A, of 1000+ data points, and I want to create a new vector, A_pos, that contains only the positive values for that vector. How can I do this? 0 Comments Sign in to comment. Si...
I'll give you another hint that will help you determine the size of the drawing rectangle for the texture: //spits out a vector2 *size* of the multiline text Vector2 measurements = font.MeasureString(sb); //works with StringBuilder You can then create a Rectang...
how to remove elements of one vector from another vector How to replace malloc/free/new/delete with own code How to resolve $(UserRootDir) and $(VCTargetsPath) macros in VS2010 project files (.vcxproj) how to resolve fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'stdio.h': No such ...
A middle-aged man in a red robe standing on a cliff overlooking an ancient city with ornate buildings and temples, with a large mountain in the background Use this prompt Serene cinematic high angel forced perspective of African American woman in Erie lake Use this prompt A young woman with...
A new function to manipulate dates Very practical data sending system for sending C++ data to Javascript. Example code to display C++ data in Javascript: std::vector<std::string> vectorArray; vectorArray.push_back("is::Engine is really great!"); vectorArray.push_back("With this tool every...