Create a Free LabelTry Our Sample Label How does ReciPal work? Trusted by thousands of food businesses for over a decade “What a wonderful service you are providing to young businesses looking to grow and not incur such large start up costs. We are very grateful.” ...
Under the legislation, the Agriculture Department would oversee the certification, as it does with organics. But while organic foods must be USDA-certified to carry any organic label on a package, the department's non-GMO certification would not be required for every food that bills itself as f...
Pegasus Foods, Inc. is a leading contract manufacturer of high quality, frozen appetizers, burritos, sides and frozen desserts. Call us.
California, location needed a name for the sauce that its boisterous surfer clientele put on their food. It’s one of the best-known items of the fast food chain’s secret menu today.
1936: America gets a health food store It became easier for Americans to find healthy, natural foods when Sawall Health Foods opened its doors in Detroit in 1936. Still open today, it bills itself as“the oldest family-owned and -operated natural food store”in...
you can help prevent major diseases including obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and several kinds of cancer. You will also have more energy and improved moods. A great place to start is by assessing how close your current diet is to the USDA My Plate recommendations for healthy eating...
(USDA)FoodSafetyand InspectionService(FSIS)issues regulationsthatapplytotheproducts thatyouproduce.Youmayhear throughthegrapevinethataregulation hasbeenproposedorisbeingcreated, butitmaybequiteawhilebeforeit becomesofcialandyouactuallysee itinprint.That’sbecausethereare multiplestepsrequiredinissuingor changinga...