This type of trigger fires before the SQL Server starts the execution of the action that fired it. For example, we can have an INSTEAD OF insert/update/delete trigger on a table that was successfully executed but does not include the actual insert/update/delete to the table. Assume we ...
SQL Trigger The SQL Trigger creates a DML, DDL or logon trigger. A trigger is a special type of stored procedure that automatically runs when an event occurs in a SQL database server. DML triggers run when a user tries to modify data through a Data Manipulation Language (DML) event. ...
ClassMethodCreateTrigger1(){d $SYSTEM.Security.Login("_SYSTEM","SYS")&sql(CREATETABLETestDummy(testnumINTNOTNULL,firstwordCHAR(30)NOTNULL,lastwordCHAR(30)NOTNULL,CONSTRAINTTestDummyPKPRIMARYKEY(testnum)))w!,"SQL表编码为: ",SQLCODE&sql(CREATETABLETestDummyLog(entryCHAR(60)NOTNULL))w!,"SQL日...
trigger-name 指定触发器的名称。此名称(包括隐式或显式的模式名)不能标识已在目录中描述的触发器 (SQLSTATE 42710)。如果指定了两部分的名称,那么模式名不能以“SYS”开头 (SQLSTATE 42939)。 BEFORE 指定在将主题表的实际更新所引起的任何更改应用于数据库之前执行相关联的触发操作。 AFTER 指定在将主题表的实...
Transact-SQL reference for the CREATE TRIGGER statement, which is used to create a DML, DDL, or logon trigger.
第二十一章 SQL命令 CREATE TRIGGER(一) 创建触发器 大纲 CREATE TRIGGER trigname {BEFORE | AFTER} event [,event] [ORDER integer] ON table [REFERENCING {OLD | NEW} [ROW] [AS] alias] action 参数 trigname- 要创建的触发器的名称,它是一个标识符。触发器名称可以是限定的,也可以是非限定的;如果...
CREATE TRIGGER是用来创建触发器的SQL命令。触发器是一种特殊的数据库对象,它可以在特定的数据库事件发生时自动执行一系列的SQL语句。触发器可以用于实现数据的自动更新、数据一致性的检查和维...
SQL Server 语法 syntaxsql -- SQL Server Syntax-- Trigger on an INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE statement to a table or view (DML Trigger)CREATE[ORALTER]TRIGGER[schema_name. ]trigger_nameON{ table | view } [WITH<dml_trigger_option>[ ,...n ] ] {FOR|AFTER|INSTEADOF} { [INSERT] [ , ]...
This may be achieved using triggers, a statement defined in the SQL standard. Requirements: SQL development tools, such as an SQL client. Procedure: Create a table to use as a dataset: create table triggerTableData(numberVal int(30), charVal char(30), secondNumberVal int(30)); Next, ...
AS { sql_statement [ ; ] [ ,...n ] | EXTERNAL NAME <method specifier [ ; ] > } <dml_trigger_option> ::= [ ENCRYPTION ] [ EXECUTE AS Clause ] <method_specifier> ::= assembly_name.class_name.method_name Trigger on a CREATE, ALTER, DROP, GRANT, DENY, REVOKE, or UPDATE STATIS...