In the New CSS Rule dialog box, specify the selector type for the CSS rule you want to create: To create a custom style that can be applied as a class attribute to any HTML element, select the Class option from the Selector Type pop-up menu and then enter a name for the style ...
The declaration block is the part of the CSS rule that declares a style rule for the selector. The declaration block is placed inside of the curly brackets. In the CSS example, the declaration block is color:blue;. The property refers to the property of the HTML content that the CSS rul...
CSS We declare a style rule for thebodyelement like so: body {/* Location of the image */background-image: url(images/background-photo.jpg);/* Background image is centered vertically and horizontally at all times */background-position: center center;/* Background image doesn’t tile */...
Specify a TTL based on your business requirements for static files that are frequently updated, such as JavaScript and CSS files. Specify a TTL of 0 seconds to disable caching for dynamic files, such as PHP, JSP, and ASP files. Weight Specify a weight for the cache rule. The weight ...
Create, open, edit, save, and revert files in Dreamweaver. Create templates and open related files.
-- This means that icons are default. Regular characters are a fallback --> <!-- Use the 'content' style rule with a ':before selector' in your CSS --> <p>I rate this movie <span class="icon icon-star"></span> <span class="icon icon-star"></span> <span class="i...
As a general rule of thumb, your site should be organized in a way that enables a visitor to move from one page to another in three clicks or less. But your main menu does not—and should not have to—include all of your site pages. Link to the most important or popular pages ...
Create CSS Selector rule with Javascript Demo CodeResultView the demo in separate window <html> <head> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width"> </head> <body> <div class="should-be-red"> I should be red </div> <script> var styleElement = document.createElement('style')...
Step 2: Create a stylesheet for your child theme. Next, you’ll need to create the “style.css” file inside of your child theme folder, which will contain all of the CSS rules and declarations for your child theme. This file is also what you use to tell WordPress which parent theme ...
Here we create CSS marquees by adjusting the margin of the marquee element. For example, to make text scroll left, we create an animation that adjusts the margin-left property as it runs from start to finish.In all cases we use the CSS animation property along with the @keyframes rule ...