Part 1: (2 marks) Create a Spring Boot project. You will need Lombok, Spring Web, Thymeleaf, H2 database, Java Mail Sender, Spring Security and Spring Data JDBC as dependencies. Make sure that the project is named FinalExam_FirstName_Las...
</project> 13 changes: 13 additions & 0 deletions 13 src/main/java/id/my/hendisantika/kafkasample/ Original file line numberDiff line numberDiff line change @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ package; import org.springframework.boot.Spring...
Run ttcli init to have the tool create a new Spring Boot project with an NPM based live-reload setup. The tool will ask the following questions: GroupId: the Maven groupId that should be used for the project. ArtifactId: the Maven artifactId that should be used for the project. Name:...
实验一 使用Spring Boot构建应用程序 实验目的 掌握使用IntelliJ IDEA创建Spring Boot应用程序的方法; 了解spring-boot-starter-parent的配置内容; 掌握如何利用Starter扩展Spring Boot应用程序的功能; 掌握如何配置Starter; 掌握如何通过属性文件定制Spring Boot应用程序的初始化参数; ...
➜ ~ create-spring-boot-app -h Usage: create-spring-boot-app <project-name> [options] Options: -h, --help output usage information -V, --version output the version number -p, --package [package] 选择包名(默认 wx.csba) -t, --type [type] 选择模板类型 [gradle/maven] -a, --addo...
Spring Boot For more information about creating a Spring Boot application project, refer to Spring Boot. JavaFX note For more information about creating a JavaFX application, refer to Create a new JavaFX project. Step 1 Step 2 Name Specify a name for your project. Location Specify the...
Complete this exercise to create a Spring Boot application and configure Spring Data Redis to store business data in Redis.
If the Welcome screen opens, clickNew Project. Otherwise, go toFile | New | Projectin the main menu. From the list on the left, select the language that you want to use in your application. If you want to use a language that is not available in IntelliJ IDEA out of the box (for ...
Create aSpring Bootconsumer application project in the on-premises environment, add dependencies, and add the configurations that are used to subscribe to the Dubbo service. Create a Maven project namedspring-boot-dubbo-consumerand add dependencies. ...
A spring boot project must follow a specific folder architecture. To comply with it, we will generate the project using Spring Initialiser. It is a very useful tool to generate a minimal working configuration for a spring boot project. For this, go to this website: