Create and Role both are the oracle reserved keyword followed by the name of a role. Oracle recommends that the name of the role contain at least one single-byte character regardless of whether the database character set also contains multi-byte characters. The maximum number of user-defined ...
the name of a local role can never begin withC##orc##. Oracle recommends against using an empty string value because it might result in conflicts between the names of local and common roles when a PDB is plugged into a different CDB, or when opening a PDB that was closed when a common...
People Admin.By default, any user entry in an newly created organization is a member of that organization. The People Administrator has read and write access to all user entries in the organization. Keep in mind that this role DOES NOT have read and write access to the attributes that contai...
400 Invalid.Tenant.UserNotInProject The user is not in the project. 用户不在项目中。 400 ConnectionAlreadyExist The connection with envType %s and name %s already exists. 连接串名称重复 400 DataSource.CheckRamRoleFailure Failed to check the RAM role. AccountId %s. roleArn %s. 校验数据源权限...
普通租户(Oracle 模式) SQL 语句 DDL CREATE USER 更新时间:2024-04-25 16:51:52 编辑 描述 该语句用于创建新的 OceanBase 数据库用户。创建新用户后,可以使用该用户连接 OceanBase 数据库。 说明 必须拥有CREATE USER的系统权限,才可以使用CREATE USER命令。
使解析环境为调用该存储过程的用户所在的Schema,执行该存储过程时拥有调用者的所有权限,即调用者的Role是有效的。在创建存储过程名后面加AUTHID CURRENT_USER 测试成功。 方法二 CREATE TABLE想使用CREATE ANY TABLE权限,而CREATE ANY TABLE权限来自DBA角色,默认情况下,虽然在会话环境中可见,可以显示地将CREATE ANY TABL...
SettingSynchronizationAgentProcessSecurityis not required when the subscription is created by a member of thesysadminfixed server role, however it is recommended. In this case, the agent will impersonate the SQL Server Agent account. For more information, seeReplication Agent Security Model. ...
普通租户(Oracle 模式) SQL 语句 DDL CREATE DATABASE LINK 更新时间:2024-07-19 15:50:43 描述 该语句用于创建一个访问指定远端数据库的dblink。该语句中需要指定dblink名称并且提供远端数据库的用户名、租户名、密码、IP 地址、端口号以及访问类型,反向 LINK 需要提供本地数据库的用户名、租户名、密码、IP 地址...
If the IF NOT EXISTS clause is given, the statement produces a warning for each named role that already exists, rather than an error. The statement is written to the binary log if it succeeds, but not if it fails; in that case, rollback occurs and no changes are made. A statement ...
Setting LogReaderAgentProcessSecurity is not required when the publication is created by a member of the sysadmin fixed server role. In this case, the agent will impersonate the SQL Server Agent account. For more information, see Replication Agent Security Model. (Optional) Set the SqlStandardLogi...