-”表示使用stdin/stdout做为文件描述符,而“-r”意思是指示restore去重新创建通过网络传送的文件系统到目标电脑上去。 bsdmap.com bsdmap.com provided a new rallyingpointforthe nation. c.“Restoretheemperor” (Sonno Movement) and “Expel the foreigners” (Joi Movement[...] ...
A restore point is a snapshot of your computer's system files and settings at a specific point in time. Windows 10 automatically creates restore points when you install a new app or driver, make changes to system settings, or create a restore point manually. Restore points can be used to ...
NOTE: If System Restore has been disabled, the Create button will be greyed out. You must enable System Restore before creating a restore point. In the System Protection window, type a description for this restore point, and then click the Create button. After the restore point is created, ...
Windows 中的系统保护是一项恢复功能,旨在帮助保护系统设置。 它主要涉及创建和管理还原点,这些还原点是特定时间点的系统文件、已安装的应用程序、Windows 注册表和系统设置的快照。 虽然默认情况下未启用,但建议启用系统保护。 此功能提供了额外的安全和安心层,确保你可以快速轻松地解决问题,而不会丢失重要数据。 本文...
6. In the System Protection window, type a description for this restore point, and then click the Create button.7. After the restore point is created, click the OK button.8. Close the System Properties window.9. Close the System window.Related...
CREATERESTOREPOINTrestore_point_name; 参数解释 参数描述 restore_point_name指定还原点名称。 说明 Restore Point 功能的使用限制如下: 不支持物理备份。 不支持主备库。 每个租户限制10个 Restore Point 。 创建Restore Point 后,如果对创建 Restore Point 前就存在的表执行 DDL 语句,系统会报错。
System Restore is a great way to fix problems on your PC, and in this guide, we’ll show you how to make a Windows 11 restore point.
If your PC runs into problems, you could revert to a restore point to reverse the unwanted changes. And here's how to create one easily.
Create a Restore PointThe article presents tips on creating a system restore point or backup in the Microsoft Windows XP, Windows Vista, and Windows 7 operating systems (OS).Spector, LincolnPc World
CREATE RESTORE POINT restore_point [ GUARANTEE FLASHBACK DATABASE ]; 例子 创建和使用还原点: 下面的例子创建了一个normal还原点,更新表然后把表闪回到创建还原点是的状态。假设这个用户具有很大的系统权限而正好能够 执行下面的每条语句: CREATE RESTORE POINT good_data; ...