CREATERESTOREPOINTrestore_point_name; 参数解释 参数描述 restore_point_name指定还原点名称。 说明 Restore Point 功能的使用限制如下: 不支持物理备份。 不支持主备库。 每个租户限制10个 Restore Point 。 创建Restore Point 后,如果对创建 Restore Point 前就存在的表执行 DDL 语句,系统会报错。
2) In the System Restore dialog box, select Create a restore point and click Next.3) Name this restore point and then click Create.It is recommended to create a restore point before installing the driver, so you can restore the system if any problem occurs....
使用"create restore point"语句可以创建一个还原点,它和数据库的SCN有关联(相当于创建还原点时的时间),还原点 可以闪回表或数据库到你创建还原点的那个时间点而无需指定SCN或timestamp. 还原点(restore point)有两中类型: •Guaranteed restore points(保证还原点): 保证还原点可以确保你闪回数据库到某个还原点...
create_restore_point::= 図create_restore_point.epsの説明 セマンティクス CLEAN CLEANは、PDBリストア・ポイントを作成する際にのみ指定できます。PDBは共有UNDOを使用する必要があり、未処理のトランザクションがない状態でクローズする必要があります。共有UNDOを使用してPDBをフラッシュバッ...
Restore points act as snapshots of your Server 2019 system files and settings at a specific point in time. They provide a reliable way to revert to a previous state if system issues such as Windows Server 2019 task scheduler not working or errors occur. By creating restore points, you can ...
Step 1:In the Start menu search box, typeCreate a restore pointand press the Enter key to open the System Properties dialog. Alternatively, you can typeSysdm.cplin the Start menu search box or Run command box and press Enter key to open the System Properties dialog. ...
In the System Protection window, type a description for this restore point, and then click the Create button. After the restore point is created, at the System Protection prompt, click OK. In the System Properties window, click OK button. In the System window, click the X in upper-right ...
Now, a new system restore point will be created automatically at your preferred schedule and intervals. How to Perform system Restore in Windows 7/8/10/11 When your system gets corrupted or something else goes wrong, you can use system restore point to restore the system to a previous good...
System Restore uses a feature calledSystem Protection. It is a Windows feature that regularly creates and saves information about your computer’s system files, registry settings and previous versions of files. System Restore affects Windows system files, installed programs, registry settings, changes ...
a restore point every three days, set the key value to three times 259200. By default, the system restore will be deleted 90 days after the creation of a restore point, to adjust this interval, Please change the value of the RPLifeInterval item by the ...