Create-A-Pokemon it en fr esCompositionCreate-A-Pokémon (or simply CAP) is a metagame based on OU that also allows the usage of all 31 of the Pokémon created by the Create-A-Pokémon Project. The addition of CAP Pokémon makes the metagame quite different from OU, although many of ...
This project will fetch data from an API and determine if two Pokémon can breed based on their egg groups. You can see a live version of this calculator on Game On Trend (Pokemon Breeding Calculator). Prerequisites To follow this guide, you should have a basic understanding of: HTML for...
We can analyze stat percentages all day, but the second someone posts logical reasoning and research behind image patterns and how they correlate to the moves its deemed less important in a Pokemon creation project? Like I said, I just don't understand that. DougJustDoug Knows the great ...
Pokemon Rise is a community game project aimed at making a fun and enjoyable multiplayer Pokemon world.Username Password Confirm Password Email Address Select your Starter Pokemon Bulbasaur Charmander Squirtle Chikorita Cyndaquil Totodile Treecko Torchic Mudkip Turtwig Chimchar Piplup ...
Pokemon Type Essences which can provide automation for some recipes in future Liquid Berry Juice to automate your potion factory More fuel-related uses with Fire Stones and Blaze Burner compatibility Sandpaper recipes for tumblestones to save you crafting a pesky grindstone ...
The well-known Pokemon Go game also utilizes GPS and Google maps capabilities. Location-based apps offer users to “catch Pokemon” throughout the city. Besides, the service has a social focus and unites users into teams. So if you want to create engaging games, think about geolocation app ...
5 Different Counters - GitHub, YouTube, Facebook, Pokemon, and Slack Install via npm (or from the GitHub Package Registry): npm i @charkour/react-reactions This originated as a fork of casesandberg/react-reactions which is been modified under the MIT license to include additional features. ...
“The partnership with the UN fits perfectly into this so we set something up called Play2Act. It is a two-year project with UNDP. Every six months, we roll out a new survey in game,” Ower said. “We use a game link that can be put into the editorial of in-game messaging.” ...
 AR is a pretty cool way to interact with the world...
Got a Web3 or AI project in mind? We are excited to listen to your visions! Turn your ideas into reality with our expertise in web3 and AI technology! Reach out to us today and discuss your project or ask your queries to our proficient web3 or AI experts. ...