Create Phone Number Description: Write a function that accepts an array of 10 integers (between 0 and 9), that returns a string of those numbers in the form of a phone number. Example: createPhoneNumber([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0])// => returns "(123) 456-7890" Solutions: 1: fun...
我的答案:1 function createPhoneNumber(numbers){ 2 3 //var a="(".concat(numbers); 4 //a=a.replace(/,/g,""); 5 var a=numbers.slice(0,3); 6 a="(".concat(a).concat(") "); 7 var b=numbers.slice(3,6); 8 b=b.concat("-"); 9 var c=numbers.slice(6); 10 var d=a...
Don't have an Apple ID . The option to create a new Apple ID shows only when not logged in with an existing ID. Enter your first and last name and birthdate in the spaces provided then tap Next . From the Email Address screen, tap Don't have an email address? . Tap Get an iCl...
Here's how to create an Apple ID using your iPad. Open the Settings app on your Apple®iPad®. Tap Apple Account . Tap Don't have an Apple ID . The option to create a new Apple ID shows only when not logged in with an existing ID. Enter your first and last name and birthdat...
From the Phone Number screen, tap Continue . To continue, review the Terms and Conditions then tap Agree . To confirm, tap Agree . An email with verification steps is sent to the address chosen as the Apple ID. You can also create an ID for your Apple®iPhone®by visiting theCreate...
In this example, you create a phone number quick connect to a person's mobile phone. This might be for a supervisor, for example, so agents can call them if needed. Create a quick connect for a person's mobile phone number On the navigation menu, chooseRouting,Quick connects,Add quick ...
When the app appears in the emulator (it can take a few minutes), enter a phone number (or accept the default) select Translate, then select Call. In the Dial a Number alert, select Yes. Verify that the Android phone dialer appears with the number you provided in ...
When the app appears in the emulator (it can take a few minutes), enter a phone number (or accept the default) select Translate, then select Call. In the Dial a Number alert, select Yes. Verify that the Android phone dialer appears with the number you provided in the...
Create Phone Number Write a function that accepts an array of 10 integers (between 0 and 9), that returns a string of those numbers in the form of a phone number. Example: Kata.createPhoneNumber(new int[] {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0}) // => returns "(123) 456-7890...
If possible, don’t require the customer to sign in to complete a task. If signing in reduces the number of necessary steps to complete a task or avoids filling out information, offer an option to signing in. Location and Action information should be prepopulated. ...