Now, what in the world would you possibly need to create a 3D movie poster in Photoshop for? Well, it’s kind of the “in” thing right now. This tutorial will work great for filmmakers (especially indie filmmakers who can’t afford to have someone design a poster) or someone that jus...
CREATEBe creative, make your own poster Ever wondered how you, awesome as you are, would fare in place of your favorite actor on the poster of the newest hit movie? Have a great idea for the big blockbuster and want to see how it would look on a movie poster? Now, with the Movie ...
In this tutorial, I show you how easy it is to blend images like a movie poster with Photoshop! We'll start by moving both of our images into the same document and positioning them where we need them. Then we'll blend the two images together using a layer mask. We'll help the ...
Have students create a movie poster, complete with a title, casting, and an image that conveys important information from the story. To make this a class assignment, consider giving each student one of the stops on the journey to create a poster for. When students complete their posters, ...
In this tutorial we'll combine satellite imagery and digital painting techniques to make a high impact movie poster in Adobe Photoshop. I'll also show you how to use InDesign to create error-free...
Type the movie title in all caps. Move the cursor away from the movie title until the cursor changes to a Move tool icon. Then drag the movie title to the bottom of the poster. Select the Move tool, which commits the text. Drag the movie title to center it horizontally, using the pi...
Movie night posters Přizpůsobit v PowerPointStáhnoutSpread the word about your film event with movie night flyers from PowerPoint. This film poster template features three movie night flyer designs and is suitable for a backyard movie party, a school film event, and much more. The classic...
Movie night posters Prilagodite u aplikaciji PowerPointPreuzmiSpread the word about your film event with movie night flyers from PowerPoint. This film poster template features three movie night flyer designs and is suitable for a backyard movie party, a school film event, and much more. The clas...
Create a movie poster that evokes the theme, story, and other relevant information about1984. Click "Start Assignment". Create an image for your movie poster using appropriate scenes, characters, and items. Add any additional information, like a tagline, actors, directors, etc. ...
Move the cursor away from the movie title until the cursor changes to a Move tool icon. Then drag the movie title to the bottom of the poster. Select the Move tool, which commits the text. Drag the movie title to center it horizontally, using the pink Smart Guides that appear as you ...