Open terrain_texture.json in a text editor. Copy and paste the following code into terrain_texture.json: JSON Copy { "resource_pack_name": "custom_block_resource_pack", "texture_name": "atlas.terrain", "padding": 8, "num_mip_levels": 4, "texture_data": { "die_1": { "textures...
玩了几天刚刚突然变成这样了 分享回复赞 我的世界吧 阿德莱德的海角 这个代码是什么意思啊22:08:05] [Worker-Main8/ERROR] [minecraft/AtlasTexture]: Unable to parse metadata from mowziesmobs:textures/particle/ring2.png : java.lang.IllegalStateException: Failed to create the DCCallback object [22:...
Navigate to resource pack > textures, add a flipbook_texture.json file, and insert this code:JSON Копирај [ { "flipbook_texture": "textures/blocks/die_red", "atlas_tile": "die_red", "frames": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ], "ticks_per_frame": 20, "blend_frames": ...
Vexxel: texture for broken stone Optifine As far my testing went, Optifine seems to be compatible with the mods in this pack. You can add it as an improvement to the in-game framerate at the cost of a much longer startup time. ...
{ "resource_pack_name": "custom_block_resource_pack", "texture_name": "atlas.terrain", "padding": 8, "num_mip_levels": 4, "texture_data": { "die_1": { "textures": "textures/blocks/die_1" }, "die_2": { "textures": "textures/blocks/die_2" }, "die_3": { "textures":...
{ "resource_pack_name": "custom_block_resource_pack", "texture_name": "atlas.terrain", "padding": 8, "num_mip_levels": 4, "texture_data": { "die_1": { "textures": "textures/blocks/die_1" }, "die_2": { "textures": "textures/blocks/die_2" }, "die_3": { "textures":...
Openterrain_texture.jsonin a text editor. Copy and paste the following code intoterrain_texture.json: JSON {"resource_pack_name":"custom_block_resource_pack","texture_name":"atlas.terrain","padding":8,"num_mip_levels":4,"texture_data": {"die_1": {"textures":"textures/blocks/die_1"...