In Mathematica, vectors, matrices, and arrays of arbitrary dimensions are uniformly represented as lists or 'lists of lists.' This prevents a lot of problems common in other technical computing software in which users have to work with and convert between many different representations. For example...
This setting can be very important when performing a task that results in many rapid changes – such as inserting a large number of rows in the Merit Function Editor. Note that regardless of this setting, the UI will always display the final system when the Ext...
根据 A 类标准不确定度评价方法[14] ,令每个站位仪器在短时间内对点 Pm 重复测量 n 次,得到测量结果:( xi, yi, zi ) ,( i = 1,2,…,n) ,将其算 数平均值作为估计值,计算标准偏差为: ìïu ïï xi - =σ(xi) / - íïuyi =σ( yi ) / îïïuzi - =σ(zi) / n n n...
Linear Matrix Inequalities in Systems and Control Theory. Philadelphia: Society for Industrial Mathematica, 1994. 作者简介: 张振国 硕士研究生, 目前研究方向为作业型飞行机器人,控制 理论与控制工程等, E-mail:; 陈彦杰 博士, 讲师, 硕士生导师, 目前研究方向为作业型飞行机 器人,运动规划...