Following command will help you to create a new project with a specific version on laravel composer create-project laravel/laravel:8.* project_name supported versions are below laravel/laravel:11.* laravel/laravel:10.* laravel/laravel:9.* laravel/laravel:8.* laravel/laravel:7.* laravel/laravel...
本文实例讲述了使用composer 安装 laravel框架的方法。分享给大家供大家参考,具体如下: 03 创建Laravel项目的几种方法 为什么80%的码农都做不了架构师?>>> 创建项目 通过composer create-project composer create-project --prefer-dist la 您找到你想要的搜索结果了吗?
Recently I learned about Laravel 4.2. Then I switched to Laravel 5. All the time I've used composer to add another dependencies and stuff, I had no problems at all. Last Thursday I've created a new project usingcomposer create-project laravel/laravel dir_name --prefer-dist. All went o...
Become a sponsor Your support allows me to keep this package free, up-to-date and maintainable. Alternatively, you canspread the word! Requirements Laravel 10 or later Opcache & Preloading enabled(ext-zend-opcache). Installation Require this using Composer into your project ...
Navigate to the folder where you store your projects and run the following scripts in your terminal; it will generate a new Laravel project and change into the new project directory: Bash Copy code composer create-project laravel/laravel webapartment cd webapartment You will now install ...
Composer create-project安装指定版本项目 1.安装制定版本drupal #如安装drupal8.9.20 composer create-project drupal/recommended-project=8.9.20 /path/to/dir 2.安装制定版本Laravel #如安装4.1.25 composer create-project laravel/laravel=4.1.25 your-project-name --prefer-dist...
composer create-project安装laravel项目失败 composer config-g repo.packagist composer 安装larabel项目 composer create-project--prefer-dist laravel/laravel blog
Learn how to create a landing page using a combination of Laravel 8, Vue.js, and SendGrid from a PHP expert.
Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We believe development must be an enjoyable and creative experience to be truly fulfilling. Laravel takes the pain out of development by easing common tasks used in many web projects, such as: Simple, fast routing engine. Po...
Create a new Firebase project. Create a service account. Get our project configurations and include them in our local Laravel project. Create a database. Create project To do that, go to your Google Firebase Console and click on the Add project button (which you can see below) which will ...