CREATE FUNCTION sqlserver用户定义函数 创建用户定义函数,它是返回值的已保存的 Transact-SQL 例程。用户定义函数不能用于执行一组修改全局数据库状态的操作。与系统函数一样,用户定义函数可以从查询中唤醒调用。也可以像存储过程一样,通过 EXECUTE 语句执行 创建用户定义函数,它是返回值的已保存的 Transact-SQL 例程...
如果在 RETURNS NULL ON NULL INPUT CLR 函式中指定,表示 SQL Server 可以在收到NULL的任何自變數為 時傳回 NULL ,而不會實際叫用函式的主體。 如果 指定的 <method_specifier> CLR 函式方法已經有表示 RETURNS NULL ON NULL INPUT的自訂屬性,但 CREATE FUNCTION 語句指出 CALLED ON NULL INPUT,則 CREATE ...
如果在 RETURNS NULL ON NULL INPUT CLR 函数中指定,则指示 SQL Server 可以在接收NULL的任何参数时返回NULL,而无需实际调用函数的主体。 如果指定的 <method_specifier> CLR 函数的方法已具有指示 RETURNS NULL ON NULL INPUT的自定义属性,但 CREATE FUNCTION 该语句指示 CALLED ON NULL INPUT,该 CREATE FUN...
Step 1: Open SQL Server Management Studio and connect to the database. Step 2: Expand the database where you want to create a function. Expand Programmability. Step 3: Right-click on Functions and select New. You get 3 options – Inline Table-valued Function Multi-Statement Table-valued ...
Create, modify, or drop assemblies in SQL Server CREATE ASSEMBLY (Transact-SQL) ALTER ASSEMBLY (Transact-SQL) DROP ASSEMBLY (Transact-SQL) Create a CLR function CREATE FUNCTION (Transact-SQL) Access native code CLR functions can access native (unmanaged) code, such as code written in C or C+...
CREATE FUNCTION (Transact-SQL) 在SQL Server 2008 R2 中建立使用者定義函數。使用者定義函數是指可接受參數、執行動作 (例如複雜計算) 以及將該動作的結果傳回成值的 Transact-SQL 或 Common Language Runtime (CLR) 常式。傳回值可以是純量 (單一) 值或資料表。您可以使用這個陳述式來建立可用下列方式使用...
This article describes how to create a user-defined function (UDF) in SQL Server by using Transact-SQL.Limitations and restrictionsUser-defined functions can't be used to perform actions that modify the database state. User-defined functions can't contain an OUTPUT INTO clause that has a ...
This CREATE FUNCTION (SQL scalar) statement creates an SQL function at the current server. The function returns a single result. Invocation This statement can be embedded in an application program or issued interactively. It is an executable statement that can be dynamically prepared. Authorization ...
A function accepts inputs in the form of parameters and returns a value. SQL Server comes with a set of built-in functions that perform a variety of tasks. Of course, you could create a stored procedure to group a set of SQL statements and execute them, however, stored procedures ...
Learn how to create a Transact-SQL stored procedure by using SQL Server Management Studio and by using the Transact-SQL CREATE PROCEDURE statement.