This command downloads the source code from the provided URL and then creates aportfile.cmakefile and avcpkg.jsonfile in a new port directory. The command can save the downloaded source code using a specific file name, provided as an optional argument. If the archive file name isn't specif...
Create two projects in a solution.One can be a static library project and the other can be a dynamic library project.The files added to both these project can be the same set of files.This means a change to the source will build both the static and dynamic libraries....
CPackConfig.cmake Doxyfile GPLv2.txt LICENSE.txt git-version-gen README License Onion http server library Travis status Coverity status Onion is a C library to create simple HTTP servers and Web Applications. masterthe development branch. Current stable branch isonion-0-...
apt-get update&&apt-get install --no-install-recommends -y cmake connect to database from your local using db client of choice using the following credentials username: user password: user database: test once done create table so you can map it in-targ or consider using sample in.devcontai...
clion中调试过程中遇到cmake :undefined reference to ‘pthread_create’,需要pthread库问题 1.在CMakeLists.txt中 find_package(Threads) target_link_libraries(main ${CMAKE_THREAD_LIBS_INIT}) main为项目名称... 查看原文 vs2017调试出现 undefined reference to pthread_create ...
CMake结合PCL库学习 add_dependencies()一般来说用不到。用到的情况就是两个targets有依赖关系(通过target_link_libraries解决)并且依赖库也是通过编译源码产生的。这时候一...target_link_libraries() 添加链接库;将目标文件与库文件进行链接.最后给出示例的CMakeLists.txt: ...
Installing CMake Goto and download CMake binary distribution for Windows platform (Win32 Installer). CMake is a cross-platform, open-source build system. For example: cmake- Double click the executable and press the "I Agree" button. Sele...
## cmake --build . --config <Debug|RelWithDebInfo> --target doxygen ## ## The documentation can be found in ./doxygen/html/index.html ## Doxygen stdout is written to ./doxyoutput.log ## Doxygen stderr is written to ./doxyerror.log ...