*** Webhooks string 否 企业微信或飞书机器人的 webhook 地址,多个 webhook 地址之间使用英文逗号(,)分隔。alertMethods 中需要包含 WEBHOOKS 告警方式。 仅DataWorks 企业版支持。可用地域:华东 2(上海)、西南 1(成都)、华北 3(张家口)、华北 2(北京)、华...
開發者ID:theslimreaper,項目名稱:DnD,代碼行數:47,代碼來源:Data_Deleter.cs 示例15: Encripta ▲點讚 1▼ publicstaticstringEncripta(stringCadena){byte[] inputBytes = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(Cadena);byte[] encripted; RijndaelManaged cripto =newRijndaelManaged();using(MemoryStream ms =newMemoryStream(...
DndEnd string 否 免打扰截止时间,格式为 hh:mm。hh 的取值范围为[0,23],mm 的取值范围为[0,59]。 08:00 RemindUnit string 是 对象的类型,包括 NODE(任务节点)、BASELINE(基线) 、PROJECT(工作空间)和 BIZPROCESS(业务流程)。 NODE NodeIds string 否 RemindUnit(对象类型)为 NODE(任务节点)时,监控的...
Error Message:“Failed to create a default schedule for creating shadow copies of volume (D). Error 0×80070002.” Affected Volume:😧 Troubleshooting Steps Taken: Verified that the Volume Shadow Copy Service is running. Checked for any recent updates or ...
OverrideDnD: Override DnD allows the notification to decrease the Do Not Disturbe / Silent mode level enable to display critical alerts for Alarm and Call notifications. For Android, you must require the user consent to use it. For iOS, this permission is always enabled with CriticalAlert. ...
S sshiptoken Repeat Client United States 5 2 years ago Nice work thank you Helpful? Yes No P paradox_gamenet Repeat Client United States 5 2 years ago Tunebytes worked on an entire project for me, and delivered on every single track. If you need a composer who can put together a wide...
Available add-ons Advanced Security Enterprise-grade security features GitHub Copilot Enterprise-grade AI features Premium Support Enterprise-grade 24/7 support Pricing Search or jump to... Search code, repositories, users, issues, pull requests... Provide feedback We read every piece of ...
dbgBreakpoint = dbg.CreateNativeBreakpoint(module.ToSerializedDnModule(), token, offset, a => cond(this));elsedbgBreakpoint = dbg.CreateNativeBreakpoint(code.CorCode, offset, a => cond(this)); dbgBreakpoint.IsEnabled = isEnabled;