Delphi 中的raise exception.create(Error)就是主动扔出一个类型为exception的异常,exception是Delphi中的异常类,相当于c++的 throw new exception(Error);Delphi中的类的析构函数用destructor修饰符来定义,与C++的~修饰符一样,但通常情况下都是使用Destroy这个名字做为析构方法,Free是TObject类定义的一个...
Step 1 - Create the Projects (Delphi)Jump to: navigation, search Go Up to Creating a FireMonkey Component (Delphi) Start with a clean slate by closing all files in RAD Studio (File > Close All). Choose a location and name for a new folder to hold all the component files. ...
empowers you to develop professional plugins for Microsoft Office with a couple of clicks. The programming model and run-time code of Add-in Express are based on Delphi VCL, and they make youradd-ins,smart tags,Microsoft Excel RTD serversand user-defined functions commercial class and feature-...
// Example 6.1a. Raise double x to the power of int n. double ipow (double x, int n) { unsigned int nn = abs(n); // absolute value of n double y = 1.0; // used for multiplication while (nn != 0) { // loop for each bit in nn if (nn & 1) y *= x; // multiply ...
In this sample, Created a Delphi class(TMySeq)implementing a new Python type. It is derived from TPyObject. It overrides some Mapping services virtual methods such asMpLength, MpSubscript. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 functionTMySeq.MpLength:NativeInt; ...
Note that the Application.CreateForm() procedure expects a variable of type TFormClass for its first parameter. If we can provide a TFormClass type variable (from a string), we'll be able to create a form from its name! The FindClass() Delphi function locates a class type from a string...
* 网站名称:obaby@mars * 网址: * 本文标题: 《C/C++/Delphi 调用...
ShowMessage('Hello world from a Delphi DLL') ; end; exportsDllMessage; beginend. If you look at theproject fileof any Delphi application, you’ll see that it starts with the reserved wordprogram. By contrast, DLLs always start withlibraryand then ausesclause for any units. In this example...
How to create a OnCellDblClick for Delphi's TDBGrid I'm a newbie when it comes to creating new events to components... and I noticed thatTDBGridhas aOnCellClick, but sadly it doesnt have anOnCellDblClickevent and it bothers me a lot the fact that if I double click anywhere in my ...