Push the package to the Chocolatey community package repository: Get a Chocolatey account: Register Copy the API key from your Chocolatey account. choco apikey -k [API_KEY_HERE] -source https://push.chocolatey.org/ choco push package-name.1.1.0.nupkg -s https://push.chocolatey.org/ - ...
Chocolatey - the package manager for Windows. Contribute to chocolatey/choco development by creating an account on GitHub.
Set the RunOctoPack MSBuild property to true, and OctoPack will create a NuGet package from your build. For example, if you are compiling from the command line, you might use: msbuild MySolution.sln /t:Build /p:RunOctoPack=true After the build completes, you will find a NuGet package...
Packaging your application from a folderBookmark If you have a build process that places all build outputs into a final destination folder (such as gulp, grunt, or webpack), you can package it using the Octopus CLI as well. For example, if you’ve defined an npm script which runs your...
Unzip the .zip file and copy the Helm binary to a directory located in your PATH, e.g. /usr/local/bin. Besides github, many recognized package managers also offer Helm installation, e.g. homebrew for macOS, chocolatey for Windows, apt for Debian Linux, etc. ...
iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString('https://chocolatey.org/install.ps1')) # You could run commands like this to output the progress to the log file: # Install vscode and all dependencies choco install -y vscode --force --force-dependencies --verbose >> $loc ...
If you’re running on windows, Hugo can be installed using either thescoopinstaller or thechocolateypackage manager. For scoop: scoop install hugo For chocolatey: choco install hugo -confirm If none of these options apply to you, check outthese options for installation. ...
JHipster requires that you haveNode.jsandJava 8installed. You can install it viaHomebrew(brew install jhipster),Chocolatey(choco install jhipster), or with npm. npm i-ggenerator-jhipster@4.13.3 Develop a Blog App with OIDC Authentication ...
Chocolatey Package Updater A Windows box somewhere - to run the updater on - appveyor can't work until the import of the settings can be automated AU PowerShell v5+. TheAU module. For daily operations check out the AU packagestemplate README. ...
The application is also available via the following package managers: Homebrew(Linux/macOS):brew install wimdeblauwe/homebrew-ttcli/ttcli Chocolatey(Windows):choco install ttcli Initialize Runttcli initto have the tool create a new Spring Boot project with an NPM based live-reload setup. ...