Find customizable list design templates. From shopping lists and reading lists to wish lists and bucket lists, there's a list template perfect for you to customize for your project.
如果 TemplateScratchType 为 ArchitectureDetection,最多设置 5 个源标签。 {"a": "b"} ResourceTypeFilter array 否 资源类型筛选器。 string 否 资源类型筛选器。若指定了资源类型列表,则表示扫描指定资源类型且包含指定标签的资源;反之,则表示扫描所有包含指定标签的资源。 最多支持 20 个资源类型。 ALIYUN::...
TemplateName string 是 应用模板名称 test-template Description string 否 应用模板描述 This is a test template AppName string 是 应用的名称 MyApp AppRevision string 否 应用的版本 RevisionTag string 否 应用版本唯一标签 ProduceVersion RootEntity string 否 根实体类型 TestEntity InputsExpre...
G. Use CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE AS SELECT with a view as the source Applies to: Azure Synapse Analytics serverless SQL pools and dedicated SQL pools. In this example, we can see example of a template code for writing CETAS with a user-defined view as source, using managed identity as an au...
(list_values_clause::=, table_partition_description::=, range_subpartition_desc::=, list_subpartition_desc::=, individual_hash_subparts::=, hash_subparts_by_quantity::=) subpartition_template::= Description of the illustration subpartition_template.eps (range_subpartition_desc::=, list_subpart...
Create a table for an OSS data source,OpenSearch:Activate OSS Activate Object Storage Service (OSS). Create a bucket in the OSS console. Upload objects to the OSS bucket.
Associate a phone number with a flow Flow modules Create prompts Add text-to-speech to prompts in flow blocks in Amazon Polly Create dynamic text strings in Play prompt blocks Dynamically select which prompts to play in Amazon Connect Set up prompts to play from an S3 bucket in Amazon Connect...
Creates a provisioning template. Requires permission to access the CreateProvisioningTemplate action. Request Syntax POST /provisioning-templates HTTP/1.1 Content-type: application/json { "description": "string", "enabled": boolean, "preProvisioningHook": { "payloadVersion": "string", "targetArn":...
<TemplateId>t16e81a29fe48c4e23acefc247a7792b63</TemplateId> <Output> <Region>ap-chongqing</Region> <Bucket>test-1234567890</Bucket> <Object>bcd/${RunId}/trans.{Ext}</Object> </Output> </Operation> </Transcode_1581665960538> <Segment_15816659605667> <Type>Segment</Type> <Operation> <Segme...
Create a OSS bucketPrepare the working directory First, change the working directory. cd ../../../ # it should be same as /<path>/<to>/<your>/<working>/<directory>/ mkdir -p front/infrastructure/ cd front/infrastructure/ Create a Terraform variable file Second, prepare a variable ...