Quick Note:When you create a free BlogSpot account, your URL will end with “blogspot.com” (like PetAdventuresBlog.blogspot.com). Though this works, it might not look professional as a blogger. My advice here is to buy a domain from a third-party web hosting likeHostingerand connect it ...
A true 100% free option 🌱. Wix gives you access to easy-to-use website and blogging tools, hosting, and a free subdomain. You have practical control of your blog, and there are also affordable options if you ever decide to upgrade. Ease of use: ⭐⭐⭐⭐ (4/5) Features: ...
WordPress is not only open source, user-friendly, and powerful, but it also allows you to start your blog for free (well, almost for free).On top of that, it’s also surprisingly easy to create a blog on WordPress. Even if you’re not the most tech-savvy person in the world. ...
and thousands of new blogs are started every day. If you want to share your passions, starting a blog is a great way to do it. You can also use a blog to build your personal brand. Plus, it’s an easy way to make some extra income if done right. Starting a blog is simple and ...
Not sure what your focus is? Take a minute to think about your interests or what you’re most passionate about. Your entire blog name should align with that focus. Keep it short and memorable No one likes a name that’s hard to spell or remember. Keep it short, catchy and easy to ...
Part 1: how to create a blog. We will introduce the concept of blogging and offer a step-by-step guide to starting a blog. Create a blog the easy way Learn how to choose the right software Plan your blog with our checklist Start blogging and share your story Learn more Free blo...
This easy guide on how to start a blog for beginners has step-by-step video, pictures, and free personal assistance to create your first blog.
HubSpot’s free blog maker lets you easily create a free, custom blog that helps your business drive traffic and generate quality leads.
While there are literally hundreds of website building platforms, far and away the most popular platform is WordPress. WordPress was first released back in 2003 as a simple platform forcreating a blog. Since then it has grown to become the world’s most popular content management system for al...
Easy-to-follow step-by-step guide that teaches beginners how to create a website. Includes WordPress tutorials, web design tips and more.