Start the web server in bashStart the Node.js web server by running the following command from the project's root folder:Console Copy npm run start-server This command will run the script start that will first build the project and then start the web server....
Bash python manage.pyhelp helloprojectis considered the Python package for your project. init.pyis an empty file that functions to tell Python that this directory should be considered a package. settings.pycontains all of your settings or configurations. ... vue cli官网解决方案.png 方法1:使用winpty vue.cmd create hello-world代替 vue create hello-world。 方法2:在~/.bashrc文件中添加一句alias vue='winpty vue.cmd',重启Git Bash运行vue create hello-world就能正常使用上下键了。©...
AlmaLinux 9 支持以下 4 种架构,与上游完全对等:\n● Intle/AMD (x86_64)\n● ARM64 (aarch64)\n● IBM PowerPC (ppc64le)\n● IBM Z (s390x)\n\n## install nodejs\n\nreference: \n\n```bash\nsudo apt update\nsudo apt install nodejs npm\n\n# install nvm \n# https://github....
The first step to installing the docker images is to update the complete list of packages on the Ubuntu directory. For that, use the “sudo apt update” instruction. On a system running Ubuntu 20.04, this script will provide the output seen below: ...
The default MariaDB settings are not secure enough, so you need to run the security script to set a strong root password, remove anonymous users, disable remote root login, remove the test database, and finally save the changes made. ...
Something I did not bother with for this particular exercise. It is possible to create a global mouse hook which will tell you what applications your mouse interacted with, where the cursor was and so forth. Google is your friend on this one. Run @ Startup script....
is it possible using a perl script to test for a socket listening on a UDP port on a remote host ?I work in an environment where netcat is not allowed and from time to time I need to see if a UDP port is open on a remote host. ...
The menu file is just a bash script, so it should work on any platform where you can run a full bash implementation. Reply BlazE March 28, 2010 at 1:53 pm I’ve tried that but then it opens up Ubuntu n it takes me to the main setup process again where i have to select the...
AlmaLinux 9 支持以下 4 种架构,与上游完全对等:\n● Intle/AMD (x86_64)\n● ARM64 (aarch64)\n● IBM PowerPC (ppc64le)\n● IBM Z (s390x)\n\n## install nodejs\n\nreference: \n\n```bash\nsudo apt update\nsudo apt install nodejs npm\n\n# install nvm \n# https://github....